Elden Ring Won’t be Another ‘Winds of Winter,’ News Might Be Coming Soon

The stress of being a From Software fan has hit its peak due to the ongoing silence surrounding Elden Ring. Elden Ring is From Software’s newest RPG, announced nearly two years ago at E3 2019. Since then, From Software has been largely silent about the project. This has driven fans near-crazy, many even worrying that Elden Ring has been canceled. New reports from the media will put fans’ worries at ease, however. One report even goes as far as saying that Elden Ring isn’t going to “pull a Winds of Winter.”

The comment comes from Bloomberg Reporter Jason Schreier, who makes a comparison between Elden Ring and George R. R. Martin’s upcoming book Winds of Winter. Winds of Winter has been worked on by Martin now for close to 10 years. The entirety of the Game of Thrones television show was produced and released during this window. The clear message is that Elden Ring news, and perhaps even a release date, is unlikely to be too far out.

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Schreier is mostly making fun of the situation, given George R. R. Martin’s involvement in the Elden Ring project. Martin’s also been in the news lately, recently confirming he’s putting together a new show for HBO unrelated to his A Song of Ice and Fire novels. It’s a meme that Martin’s distractedness means he hasn’t written any pages for Winds of Winter, which is why Schreier says that “Elden Ring has pages.” Meme or otherwise, fans of A Song of Ice and Fire are beyond trusting anyone, anymore.

Funnily enough, Schreier makes these jokes in a statement in which he says he doesn’t “know much about” any current plans for Elden Ring. He notes that he’s aware it has been “delayed a bunch,” but doesn’t know what comes next. His confidence is likely being placed in recent reporting from other journalists, and is otherwise having fun with a much-talked-about game.

The report Schreier is referring to comes from GamesBeat’s Jeffrey Grubb. Grubb says in a recent GamesBeat Decides podcast that he’s heard Elden Ring will be shown in March, with a chance of it being pushed to April. Grubb says that he’s “confident” in this report, but acknowledges that anything can happen in the gaming industry, so From Software fans shouldn’t consider it a certainty.

As for when that Elden Ring news may come, it’s anyone’s guess. There are no official gaming events announced for March outside of GDC, which typically doesn’t feature game announcements. A rumored Microsoft event is said to be planned for late March, but might be tied to Bethesda’s acquisition closing and could change dates. Suffice to say, Elden Ring fans will just have to remain patient, as ever.

Elden Ring is currently in development.

MORE: Elden Ring is Becoming Gaming’s Biggest Roller Coaster


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