Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] 911 – 920 Explained: The Union Leader List

Brain still hasn’t decided if he wants to consult the Book of Prophecies yet. He put the option into consideration for himself after learning that he and the rest of the Dandelions were stranded in the Data World — possibly on purpose. While such a situation would warrant a read, Brain’s hesitant to go through with it because he knows he’s not meant to have the Book. That said, the Book does contain something that he might feel a little more comfortable referencing instead.

The significant events of quests 911 through 920 of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross follow Brain and Maleficent. While Maleficent creeps closer to returning to the future by setting foot in Data Daybreak Town, Brain learns that one of the Union leaders is not like the others. This will be a recap and interpretation of these Kingdom Hearts Union Cross events, so expect spoilers ahead.

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While Brain’s contemplating using the Book of Prophecies, Lauriam interrupts him, wondering if he’s come up with a plan yet. He’s not really asking, though, as he knows Brain only just left them all to go think. The question is just an excuse to discuss Strelitzia with Brain while the others are still in the control room. He knows now isn’t the best time for it given their situation, but he talked with a friend of Strelitzia’s — Elrena — and learned that before she disappeared, Strelitzia talked about the Keyblade War as if she were certain it was going to happen.

This reminded Lauriam about how Brain was confused that Strelitzia — who was hesitant to join the Dandelions — not only did but desperately tried to get the Union Cross protagonist to as well. Lauriam thought it over, and now he thinks he has the answer: Something made Strelitzia absolutely sure that the Keyblade War was going to happen. If they can figure out what that was, Lauriam thinks they’ll be closer to finding out what happened to her.

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After giving Lauriam’s theory some thought, Brain believes he might have an answer to it, but to check if it’s correct, he has to open the Book of Prophecies, and he doesn’t want to reveal that he has a copy just yet if he’s wrong. So, he gets Lauriam to leave the room, claiming he needs time alone to sort out his idea. Once Lauriam’s departed — offering his assistance should Brain need it — Brain pulls out and looks over the Union leader list that Master Ava gave him in “The Fox, the Brain, and the Book,” believing he might see Strelitzia’s name on it.

His theory comes from the fact that while all of the Dandelions were aware of the Keyblade War, only the Union leaders knew it was inevitable. Also, the only individual who could convince Strelitzia of the event’s legitimacy outside of Lauriam was Master Ava, who could both invoke the name of the Master of Masters and produce a rule book showing how seriously they were taking the Dandelions’ survival. But Ava would only have reason to do any of that if Strelitzia was on her designated leader list, which, as Brain thought, she is.

However, Strelitzia’s name excludes one of the leaders currently among Brain’s group, which brings up more questions. To get to the bottom of things, Brain summons his Chirithy, who’s unique among the many seen in Union Cross so far: It’s the only one with an aesthetic inspired by its wielder, wearing its own version of Brain’s hat and having a pouch modeled after a black book. Brain asks it to escort the leader not on the list to the outskirts of Daybreak Town, and it only reluctantly agrees. It doesn’t like that Brain just calls on it for favors, though, that’s obviously not something Brain does on purpose.

Data Daybreak Town is not what Maleficent expected. Darkness brought her here following their talk in “Maleficent’s Time Travel,” and she does not like how closely associated with the light the place is. She also finds it strange that they didn’t see a soul during their stroll through the town. Still, Darkness assures her that the world is her ticket back to her own time. All she has to do is make it to the clock tower and use one of the “lifeboats” hidden in its underground lab.

The lifeboat’s original purpose was to allow Daybreak Town residents to escape the world if the need arose, but it was never completed, which is good for Maleficent. In its incomplete state, the lifeboat won’t be able to sustain her body at the speed it moves; it will rip her apart, allowing her to become just a heart, which, of course, can move at the speed of light to break the time-space barrier.

Maleficent won’t have a body waiting for her when she returns to the future because Sora destroyed it, meaning she doesn’t have a physical version of herself to anchor to, but this won’t be an issue. So long as she can contact someone who has memories of her when she reaches the future, her heart will create an entirely new body, one based on those memories. For Maleficent, this “someone” will turn out to be Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, Princess Aurora’s fairy godparents.

Maleficent doesn’t just trust Darkness’ word on this, though. She wants proof that she’ll have a body — and by extension her powers — when she returns, and how Darkness response surprises her. The entity claims to have read the Book of Prophecies, an item Maleficent is desperate to get her hands on. While Darkness didn’t completely read the Book, what it managed claimed that Maleficent was active in the future.

Ephemer’s surprised that Brain called him all the way out to the outskirts of Daybreak Town, but he just needed a private space for them to talk. The outskirts came to mind first because it’s where Master Ava made him a Union leader, which apparently is what she did with Ephemer as well. The shared experience gets the two reminiscing about how much easier talking to Master Ava was compared to the other Foretellers, a trait of her’s that stemmed from how much closer in age she was to them than the others.

A comfortable silence follows this conversation before Brain decides to cut to the chase. Ava was supposed to give a specific Union leader a copy of the Book of Prophecies to use as a backup method for collecting Lux in case something went wrong with the Data World. She ended up giving that copy to him, and she slipped with it a list naming all of the Union leaders. This list also points out who was supposed to receive the Book, and it’s not Brain; although, he already knew that. He figured it out the moment Ava handed it to him, understanding it was her way of fighting against the Keyblade War.

Where things get weird is who the list names as the new Union leaders. Strelitzia was supposed to be one, but she’s been replaced entirely for no apparent reason. Brain knows that Ava gave him the Book on purpose, but he doesn’t think Strelitzia was a part of her plan for several reasons. As such, he wants to talk to the leader that replaced her, and because he trusts Ephemer as the team lead, he wants him there when he does.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is on IOS and Android.

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