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1 2 月, 2021 HANNAH BEECH 0

昂山素季因谈判破裂失去了军方的信任,也因对罗辛亚暴行的辩护不再拥有国际社会的支持。她的被捕证明,在缅甸,文职政府与军方形成政治平衡是一种幻象。 Adam Dean for The New York Times 周一,曼谷的缅甸大使馆外,一场反对昂山素季被拘捕的示威活动。 …

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Chrome gets a new iCloud Password extension to sync logins between devices

1 2 月, 2021 Derrek Lee 0

If you live a multi-OS lifestyle, this new iCloud Chrome extension will make your life easier.

What you need to know

Apple has just released an iCloud extension for the Chrome web browser.
iCloud Passwords will sync passwords made with iCloud Keychain for use in Chrome.
The extension will also allow new passwords created in Chrome to sync back to iCloud.

When Apple and Google play nice, it benefits everyone. The latest example of this is the new extension that Apple just released for the Chrome web browser. With iCloud Password, Apple makes it easy for users who switch between desktop operating systems to keep their passwords synced, regardless of whether they’re using a Mac, Chromebook, or PC.

The extension will suggest passwords within the Chrome web browser that are synced from the iCloud Keychain. This way, you won’t have to go digging in your Mac or iPhone in order to log onto a website on your PC or Chromebook; it’ll automatically be suggested as an option when you’re p…

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