Travis Scott and LeBron James Are Playing Grand Theft Auto RP Now Too 31 3 月, 2021 Bishop Lister 0 Grand Theft Auto Online’s RP servers gain so much popularity that celebrities like Lebron James and Travis Scott now are joining.
納瓦爾尼獄中絕食 抗議獄方未提供合適治療 31 3 月, 2021 - 即時新聞: 國際 0 正在服刑的俄羅斯反對派領袖納瓦爾尼在獄中絕食,抗議獄方無為他的背痛及腿部問題,提供合適治療。 代表律師在納瓦爾尼的社交平台,貼出納瓦爾尼的信件,納瓦爾尼說,背痛的影響已經蔓延到腿部,形容雙腳都失去知覺,但只是服用了兩片止痛藥,又投訴獄卒晚上每小時都會吵醒他,認為等同虐待,要求當局遵照法律,讓他選擇的醫生親身為他診斷。 納瓦爾尼上個月因為違反緩刑條件,而被判監兩年八個月,目前正在俄羅斯偏遠地區的監獄服刑。…
Activision Report Claims Malware Is Hidden In Call of Duty: Warzone Cheats 31 3 月, 2021 Joshua Goodpastor 0 A Call of Duty: Warzone report from Activision suggests multiple hacking programs are secretly harvesting player data from cheaters.
Why It’s Important to Play Anthem Now | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Stan Hogeweg 0 Anthem may seem like it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, but this is actually the most important time yet to give Anthem another chance.
King of the Kop: LeBron James increases Liverpool stake as empire grows with $990m move 31 3 月, 2021 NBA|FOX SPORTS 0 NBA superstar LeBron James has increased his ownership stake in English Premiership club Liverpool via a deal confirmed on Wednesday that makes him a partner in Fenway Sports Group.
思捷中期虧損逾4億元 料下一財政年度銷售額大跌 31 3 月, 2021 - 即時新聞: 財經 0 思捷環球截至去年底止,中期虧損4.14億元,單計持續經營業務虧損8.72億元,不派中期息。期內,整體收入8.86億元。 思捷表示,全球大流行病及歐洲多國採取封鎖措施,期內銷售再次受到負面影響,零售店舖被迫關閉數周,導致銷售進一步大幅虧損。由於歐洲封鎖措施,預期下一財政年度銷售額將大幅下降,短期內不會恢復至全球大流行病前的銷售水平,集團將專注於未來兩年內重建思捷以實現盈利。 集團加快削減成本、關閉無盈利店舖及終止投資低回報產品線,採取一系列公司重組措施。中期業務進展與去年第3季的業務規劃相…
Call of Duty: Warzone Has Two New Secret Killstreaks | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Joshua Goodpastor 0 The Call of Duty: Warzone mid-season update adds two new secret killstreaks that many fans believe could dominate competitive events.
Microsoft Supplying 120,000 HoloLens Based Headsets to US Military 31 3 月, 2021 Trevor Edwards 0 Microsoft wins a contract to supply the United States Army with 120,000 HoloLens-based headsets over the course of the next 10 years.
Mortal Kombat: 10 Most Hilarious Character Endings In The Franchise 31 3 月, 2021 Erik Petrovich 0 Non-canon character endings are a staple of Mortal Kombat, serving as a reward for completing the arcade ladders. Some are also hilarious.
The Best Video Game Suez Canal Stuck Ship Memes | Game Rant 31 3 月, 2021 Martin Docherty 0 Since the Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal, gamers have made hundreds of memes — now that the ship is free, here are the best ones.