March 1 is National Pig Day, a day meant for celebrating pigs as one of the most unrecognized but highly-intelligent domesticated animals. The holiday was created in 1972 by two sisters, Ellen Stanley of Lubbock, Texas; and Mary Lynne Rave of Beaufort, North Carolina. Though it’s recognized as a national holiday, it’s mainly celebrated in the midwestern states. However, one confusing part of the holiday is whether it’s a time to give pigs a break and not eat them, or appreciate their offerings even more on this day.
While it’s ultimately up to the person to decide how to honor pigs on National Pig Day, there’s no better way to celebrate virtually than with Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ most fun and friendly pig villagers. There are 15 pig islanders total in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but of course some stand out among the crowd. Players should celebrate National Pig Day with these pig villagers, as they are the best of the best in New Horizons.

Gala is by far one of the cutest and most fun pig villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. She’s got a normal personality, and is easier to befriend than some of the other villagers. She’ll pretty much get along with anyone, though she may clash with cranky or sisterly villagers. Her name may refer to a certain type of apple (gala apples), or it could be a reference to a dish called “Gala Pork Pie.” If players are looking for a pig to celebrate National Pig Day with, Gala is definitely a great choice.

Agnes is a sisterly pig that has also captivated the hearts of many Animal Crossing: New Horizons players. She’s easy to befriend because of her caring nature, and will always defend players when it comes down to it. However, sometimes she’s got some personality clashes with snooty and cranky villagers, and will even have a hard time getting along with normal villagers sometimes. Her home on the island is nicely decorated, and would also be a great place to celebrate National Pig Day.

Just like Gala, Maggie also has a normal personality, so the same personality clashes with sisterly or cranky villagers may also happen with her. She’s incredibly cute, especially in her green dress in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Unlike Gala, Maggie originally made her Animal Crossing debut in the Japanese exclusive Animal Forest e+ for GameCube in 2003. Since then, she can also be found in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Though she’s not as high on the list, she’s still a great celebratory partner for National Pig Day.

Hugh has been in the Animal Crossing series since the beginning, and his appearance is one of the most interesting, as he has heterochromia. One of his eyes is black with a white pupil, while the other is white with a black pupil. His personality is lazy, meaning he’s easy to get along with and will typically get along with everyone. Snooty personalities will sometimes get annoyed because of his laziness, and it can be a hit-or-miss with cranky villagers. However, Hugh is a fantastic choice to help players celebrate National Pig Day.

Like Hugh, Lucy has also been around since the original Animal Crossing days. She’s got a normal personality, so odds are she’ll get along with the player pretty immediately. Her home in New Horizons has a recital theme to it, including a grand piano and decorative flower stands. Lucy may be last on the list, but that doesn’t make her any less of a great choice for players who want to celebrate National Pig Day.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is full of great, memorable villagers, but these pigs are not only a valuable asset to player’s islands, but a great companion for National Pig Day.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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