Following its domination of the anime scene back in 2019, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba will look to introduce its dark fantasy world to a new audience in a video game adaptation slated for later this year. Titled Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Hinokami Keppuutan, the game recently showed off four of its playable characters through action-packed trailers, introducing Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu.
Now, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Hinokami Keppuutan has debuted a fifth trailer (made available to view for western audiences by Gematsu), this time focusing on one of the TV show’s most prevalent supporting characters: Giyu Tomioka. The gameplay-focused promo centers on the elite Hashira member’s range of abilities, including his enhanced water-breathing techniques and skilled sword maneuvers.
Much like the previous four ads for Hinokami Keppuutan, the footage takes place in the Demon Slayer game’s versus mode, seeing Tomioka go head to head with Inosuke in a very one-sided battle. Tomioka uses a range of moves related to his water breath techniques, seeming more agile than other roster members, with the ability to dodge attacks. He’s even seen jumping over a lot of Inosuke‘s more power-heavy moves and can chain together blows while airborne.
The trailer’s final moments shine a spotlight on his special attack, which directly replicates a scene from the anime where Tomioka uses an elite level water breath technique known as “Dead Calm” to slay the spider demon Rui in a single blow. Here, the highly-skilled warrior uses a range of swift attacks while in his state of enhanced concentration, finalizing his attack by washing his opponent away with a colossal tidal wave. Tomioka looks to be an asset to the roster and another character with a range of fun abilities to utilize while enjoying Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Hinokami Keppuutan’s versus mode.
For those who’ve not been keeping up with Demon Slayer’s new video game tie-in, the game will serve as something of a highlight reel for the first season of the anime that debuted back in 2019. Its story mode will recap Tanjiro’s adventures, allowing the player to take control of the protagonist through some of the series’ most iconic moments and battle against many of its most intimidating enemies. Seeing as the show was lorded for its range of high-octane battles, it’s sure to have a lot of fun story content to offer.
As for Demon Slayer itself, the show’s movie tie-in, Mugen Train, dethroned Spirited Away to become the highest-grossing film ever in Japan last year. The showrunners are currently working on a follow-up series that will continue Tanjiro’s epic quest to save his sister and avenge his family. It’s slated to debut later this year.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Hinokami Keppuutan is slated to release on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
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