Is Outriders Open World? | Game Rant

Outriders’ demo has caused a storm of interest in the game as People Can Fly’s upcoming looter-shooter has shot to the top of the Steam sales charts. The mix of fun and destructive powers, cover-based shooting, and oodles of loot to discover seems to have landed well with players, causing many to happily buy into the game in preparation for its full release on April 1.

Many players are wondering if the full game will be open world or if Outriders will play out similar to the early game areas cover by the demo. The answer to this is simple: Outriders is not an open-world title and instead adopts what the developers have referred to as a “hub and spoke” structure.

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Each area of the game comprises a central “hub” map that houses the main story content, missions, and areas. Built onto that map are smaller “spoke” areas that contain side missions, secret quests, and other secrets for players to find. Some might be home to great legendary loot farms, while others could contain side missions that develop the lore around certain characters.

This style of structure can be seen in the demo, as NPCs can be found that will give players a quest, and upon reaching the entrance to the quest area, they will load into a new map dedicated solely to that mission. Some of these mission areas contain useful quests to complete to help players reach the max level in the demo, but they also act as a perfect example of the kind of game structure that Outriders will adopt over the course of the full campaign.

It is certainly worth it for players to fully explore these areas and even reset their story progress, as they may want to level up all four classes in Outriders to see which one they enjoy playing the most when the full game releases. While the lack of an open world may be a bit disappointing to some players, it is also important to note that the genre’s biggest looter shooters don’t adopt that design either.

While The Division 2 uses the idea of a singular open map, that map is quite small when compared to the scale and scope of games like Destiny 2, Warframe, and Borderlands. Outriders is definitely going for a bigger scale, with multiple areas spread across an entire planet and a range of different environments. Exactly how much fun is packed into the “hub and spoke” system remains to be seen, but so far, players seem to be enjoying their adventures as a superpowered human carving a bloody path through the apocalypse.

Outriders releases April 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Outriders Demo: How Long Is It?


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