There’s much to be said about the zodiac signs and their unique personality types. From each type being characterized by a specific planet or precious gemstone, thanks to the age of internet culture, there have been other ways to roughly categorize people into their respective star signs.
Skyrim has one of the biggest open-world environments, with hundreds of NPCs roaming the world. Some of them can be married, while some feel like missed opportunities. Either way, it’s time to find out which of Skyrim’s most famous NPCs, not just romanceable ones, would make the best partner for each zodiac type, if they could all be romanced.
12 Aries: Aela The Huntress

An Aries needs what it represents: someone who can match their energy to an almost perfect degree. It’s why Aela the Huntress, the most well-known member of the Companions faction, makes such a wonderful pairing with any Aries.
She’s similarly competitive and boasts a fiery personality. Intense and perhaps a bit stubborn, she’ll best go along with someone who can understand her obsession with victory and the hunt as a werewolf.
11 Taurus: Lydia

For a relationship based on loyalty and trust, there’s no better person than a housecarl. More precisely, Lydia, the very first housecarl the player is introduced to, is one of the best followers in the game thanks to her unwavering devotion.
A Taurus, who is similarly devoted and very serious about their relationships, will be best at home alongside someone like Lydia. The relationship is build on steady grounds, where both parties unconditionally support one another through the thick and thin.
10 Gemini: Brelyna Maryon

Bookish and studious, Brelyna Maryon is all about discovering the secrets of becoming a powerful mage. She’s talented and knowledgeable and is rumored to come from a good family line as well. For her to feel appreciated, she needs someone who will be open-minded and curious enough.
Geminis will listen to Brelyna day and night. The apprentice mage’s latest discoveries about magic will never bore them, and if anything, the strength of the relationship is having excellent, eye-opening conversations.
9 Cancer: Vilkas

The Cancer sign isn’t the most emotionally stable sign out of all zodiac types. On one hand, Cancers are emotionally in touch with themselves and others, and on the other, they can often come across as a bit sensitive.
Cancers will need a strong partner, someone they can lean on during trying times. Vilkas isn’t as in touch with his emotions, but he can learn that from a Cancer, as well as provide them some support and sense when things get difficult.
8 Leo: Argis The Bulwark

Leos are complicated beings. They’re born leaders, but that sometimes makes them seem a bit bossy or arrogant. Their partners need to be open-minded and ready to give in to their plans and decisions, in order for the relationship not to crash and burn.
Argis the Bulwark is a housecarl, making him extremely loyal and a great listener for a Leo who knows exactly what they want. However, Argis is also incredibly tough and strong, which means they can match the mental strength and prowess of a Leo, without clashing with their leadership.
7 Virgo: Onmund

Onmund is one of the few Nords who chose magic as their path in life. Their pursuit of knowledge and calm, honest personality makes them a great match for a highly analytical and smart Virgo, who could use a gentle, kind and wise partner.
Virgos can sometimes get caught up doing everything on their own. Onmund, as a partner, will not only be helpful, but also share that intelligence that both he and a Virgo are known for.
6 Libra: Mjoll The Lioness

Mjoll is an exception living in Riften. In an otherwise corrupted city, she believes in all things fair and just. As such, she can’t ever see herself with someone who doesn’t share those values with her, making her the perfect partner for a Libra.
Libras are idealistic creatures who are open-minded listeners. They want what’s best for everyone and have a strong sense of justice, just like Mjoll herself. Together, both a Libra and Mjoll will be able to stand for their shared ideals.
5 Scorpio: Jenassa

Jenassa might have questionable ethics, but what’s important is her ambitious personality. Her resourcefulness is quite similar to that of a Scorpio, who will appreciate her for being so stubborn and devoted to her own ideals.
While a Scorpio and Jenassa might also clash for both being strong personalities, their similarities will eventually bring them together into a strong team, as they both are incredibly loyal and devoted.
4 Sagittarius: Brynjolf

Brynjolf can’t be married in the game, but he’s still a great candidate to consider. He has a slightly playful personality and a pretty open-minded attitude towards life. After all, he’s literally a major member of the Thieves Guild.
Only a Sagittarius would be comfortable with his lifestyle and be able to crack a smile on his face. His calm sense of humor could be counterbalanced by someone slightly more extroverted, and someone who doesn’t mind him doing his thievery. A Sagittarius is all about freedom and going with the flow, which makes them perfect for one another.
3 Capricorn: Balimund

Capricorns are some of the hardest to please among the zodiac types. They’re demanding and quite serious individuals, who expect the best. Balimund, a man devoted to his own craft and known for being a talented blacksmith, is definitely a great match.
Both are somewhat serious and highly disciplined people. They need personal projects to drive them forward and are demanding of themselves. As such, they’re the best power couple one could imagine.
2 Aquarius: Serana

For an Aquarius, the most important aspect of a partner is depth, and that’s absolutely what vampire follower Serana provides. Endless conversations about one’s past and how that has come to shape them are something an Aquarius will enjoy, due to being a philosophical being.
Serana is also ideal for an Aquarius due to her low-key personality. She’s not overtly extroverted, and although she can be a complainer, she provides those long conversations many Aquariuses enjoy.
1 Pisces: Sven

Pisces is all about art and love. They are affectionate individuals who have idealistic views of romance and relationships. Only a fellow idealist and storyteller could match their need for something fantastical and wonderful.
Sven is perhaps the easiest pick here since he’s a musical type and someone with a sense for romance. Love letters, well-chosen words, and talented musical skills, a Pisces will find it hard to resist his charm.

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