The Case for a Metal Gear Solid Remake Collection | Game Rant

The Metal Gear Solid series has been on hiatus for the past number of years after Kojima Productions left Konami. The franchise seems to be dead in the water after the universally disliked Metal Gear Survive hit store shelves. It’s unlikely that Hideo Kojima will return to the Konami fold any time soon, and the publisher doesn’t seem to consider the series as a priority at the moment. It could, however, be in the best interest of Konami to commence work on a remake collection of the older games in the series.

A lot of fans feel a sense of unfinished business surrounding Metal Gear Solidas the story wasn’t wrapped up and connected to the original Metal Gear games in a way that fans expected. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain was well-received for the most part, but suffered due to a lack of overall story cohesion and an ending that is considered to be disappointing by many. While it doesn’t seem as though there is a Metal Gear Solid 6 on the horizon, there is a case to be made for the benefits of a remake collection of existing games.

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The Metal Gear Solid games, especially the first three, are widely-beloved games and a remake treatment could reignite fan interest. Konami and Hideo Kojima’s split was acrimonious, which casts doubt on the two parties potentially joining forces again in the future. It’s unlikely that a sixth main entry game is in the works, so remakes of the classic titles in the series could be welcomed by fans. Metal Gear Solid remakes wouldn’t have the same creativity necessary that a full-blown new main entry title would, meaning that remakes would be more realistic for Konami to produce.

After the dip in reputation that the publisher has suffered, this could be a safe bet for it to regain some of the lost fan support. The last entry in the Metal Gear series was the widely-panned Metal Gear SurviveThis game wasn’t received well by critics and fans alike, so it’s hard to imagine that if the Metal Gear series were to end, that it would be seen as a satisfying final chapter in the franchise. In addition to Konami potentially currying favor with fans again, a remake collection could wipe away some of the distaste that developed after Metal Gear Survive’s release as well.

After the dissolution of the relationship between the publisher and Kojima Productions, rumors started circulating the Konami was shutting down its gaming division. The publisher has denied this and except for restructuring going on at the company, there hasn’t been much official news regarding the state of their development function. Further rumors have done the rounds, which state that the company is looking to develop new Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid titles.

If Konami were to re-launch its game development, Metal Gear Solid remake collection could make sense to start with. Konami has shifted its efforts more towards mobile gaming and a series of remakes would show it hasn’t lost sight of this major and beloved franchise. Were a collection like this to be successful, it could go a long way to repair some of the damage done and encourage the company to delve into AAA development again.

Metal Gear Solid 5 was the last main entry in the series in 2015. It has been six years without a new entry, and many consider The Phantom Pain to be an imperfect send-off for the series. For a portion of the gaming community, the fifth game might have been the main source of exposure to the series. It was well-received in some respects, but the ending left a lot to be desired for a portion of the fanbase.

In retrospect, Metal Gear Solid 5 has created an opportunity to reacquaint fans with what are considered to be the best games in the franchise. Metal Gear Solid, Sons of Liberty, and Snake Eater, and even Guns of the Patriots could stand to gain an even stronger follow with modern gamers while reasserting the franchise’s appeal to existing fans.

Metal Gear Solid through have not received any modern remakes and it could be a significant opportunity to showcase Hideo Kojima’s vision with a new coat of paint. There have been re-releases, such as the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, but full remakes would do more for Konami in repairing a damaged reputation, and as a way of showing fans that the franchise is alive. Konami has a lot to gain from a move like and the series could gain a whole new following, in addition to giving existing fans a chance to replay the classic games in a whole new light.

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