My Hero Academia: The 10 Strongest Members of The League of Villains, Ranked According To Strength

Before there was the threat of Overhaul and the pursuit of rescuing Eri, the protagonists of My Hero Academia were faced with Shigaraki and The League of Villains. Although not completely in the foreground of the storyline like in the first season of the series, Shigaraki and his forces are definitely still plotting the end of the hero society for good.

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No matter what the series has in store, fans have witnessed why The League Of Villains is an organization to be taken seriously. Here are the top ten strongest known members of The League Of Villains so far.

**Disclaimer: There will be slight spoilers for the My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising film but no major manga spoilers!

10 Tomura Shigaraki

Shigaraki may not look muscular and tough but he is surprisingly strong in his own unique way, thanks to his quirk “decay”. Shigaraki may not rank as high as some of his subordinates in terms of raw strength but he still is very much able to hold his own.

Shigaraki’s ability to decay and disintegrate anything (living or not) just with a simple touch of all five of his fingers still very much poses a threat. Any combat Shigaraki decides to engage in, his enemy’s options are incredibly limited; especially if they specialize in hand-to-hand combat or anything close range. On top of a grab or punch, Shigaraki’s enemies run the risk of losing an arm or leg in the pursuit of attacking as well as defending.

9 Dabi

Dabi’s quirk “cremation” allows him to use powerful blue flames that can quickly scare off any opponent. Not only can Dabi generate these flames, but he has also displayed incredible control over his quirk as well. His quirk allows him to easily attack and defend himself with both short-range and long-range moves.

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Dabi’s quirk allows him to enhance all his physical attacks, reinforcing any kicks or punches with scorching hot blue flames to add insult to injury. Not only is Dabi strong enough to leave his opponents covered in bruises, but he can vaporize them with the help of his quirk as well!

8 Magne

Sometimes strength doesn’t lie within pure muscle power alone but instead can lie within force and impact. Magne has the powerful ability to magnetize a person’s entire body, forcing them whichever way she pleased due to her “magnetism” quirk. Although unable to magnetize herself, she can send opponents flying, repelling each other as she pleased with the help of her massive magnet she uses as a weapon to complement her quirk’s power.

Her magnetism is based on gender, having opposites attract and same genders repel. Magne can manipulate these magnetic forces to pack a punch, send opponents flying into nearby buildings or obstacles, or even help her teammates retreat when needed. This power in addition to her exceptional physical strength makes her a tough opponent to deal with.

7 Moonfish

In terms of the most unsettling member of the League Of Villains, Moonfish definitely takes first place. Moonfish has the eerie ability to grow and manipulate his teeth into razor-sharp blades to use against his enemies. He is even known to use his quirk to maneuver himself around as his limbs are mostly bound together by his combat gear.

His ability to skillfully trap and quickly eliminate his enemies even from incredible distances makes him not only a strong foe but one difficult to evade or defend oneself from.

6 Twice

Twice is the living personification of the saying “two heads are better than one”. Twice’s quirk “double” allows him to create clones of anything he pleases; living or not. With the help of the League of Villains’ intel team to help him acquire the information he needs to enable his duplication quirk, Twice has the potential to take down some of the strongest heroes.

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Twice not only can create clones of living beings but also can allow the duplicate to mimic the individual’s quirk as well. Although refusing to create clones of himself for personal reasons, with enough honing his control and durability, the mastery of Twice’s quirk could mean incredible levels of strength on his side.

5 The Nomu (Collectively)

The Nomu are a key part of the League Of Villains and their overall firepower. A single Nomu even had the power to give All Might himself a challenge. The Nomu are essentially zombies; a corpse brought back to life and injected with as many quirks as it can possibly hold. Multiple quirks mean enhanced strength on its own but these reanimated humans are also heavily modified on top of this.

Multiple variations of Nomu have been seen throughout the series so far, with the next even stronger and deadlier than the last; with new quirks, these Nomu find new ways to one-up their hero enemies.

4 Muscular

Of all the heroes, Deku in particular knows exactly how strong of a threat Muscular is. Muscular’s “muscle augmentation” quirk is the definition of raw strength. Muscular has the unique ability to manipulate and strengthen his own muscle fibers; even going as far as making them appear on the outside of his skin. Not having a flashy quirk with the aid of fire or any other elements doesn’t stop him from displaying extraordinary levels of power.

His muscle fibers have the ability to lift off his body, allowing him to trap his opponents’ limbs and restrain them, leaving them defenseless. The ability to manipulate his muscle fibers allows him to not only display enhanced strength but also incredible levels of defense as well when fortified.

3 Gigantomachia

When it comes to raw strength, size definitely matters. Gigantomachia has an edge on a handful of heroes solely based on his towering stature. As if that weren’t enough on its own, Gigantomachia also has been manufactured to hold multiple quirks, just like his Nomu comrades.

Gigantomachia has displayed increased superhuman levels of strength, among incredible endurance due to his hardened skin, and even the ability to grow claws to add possible lacerations to the already brutal beating he can inflict on multiple enemies at once.

2 Nine

Nine, only appearing in the My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising film, was the film’s elusive main antagonist. Nine was presented in the series’ second film as an unstoppable force as he was endowed with both the ability to control the weather in addition to All For One (although there was a limit to how many quirks he could hold).

Even without delving into too many spoilers for those that haven’t had the chance to watch the film yet, just by listing Nine’s quirks, it’s enough to understand the power he holds.

1 All For One

In a world where everyone (well, almost everyone) is blessed or burdened with a unique quirk, All For One is the greediest enemy to have. This SS-Rank villain has the ability to steal quirks and redistribute them at his will.

Not only does All For One have power, but he is also the one that chooses who is worthy of power as well. All For One (so far) has stolen a handful of quirks; ones that involve raw strength and even ones that go well beyond that. There’s no surprise that the villain that forced All Might into retirement would be at the top of his own league.

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