Final Fantasy 7 Spin-Offs Follow An Interesting Pattern

Square Enix recently announced an enhanced PlayStation 5 port of Final Fantasy 7 Remake that looks to improve the game’s graphics, add some new features, speed up load times, and make various other quality of life improvements. However, the Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS5 port wasn’t the only thing that Square Enix announced recently. It also confirmed two other Final Fantasy 7 projects that are in active development, with the games helping to establish an interesting pattern with other FF7 spin-off games.

Shortly after revealing the Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS5 port, Square Enix announced Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis and Final Fantasy 7: The First SoldierEver Crisis is an episodic retelling of the entire Final Fantasy 7 storyline, including the spin-offs, prequels, and sequels, that plays more like the original game. Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier, meanwhile, serves as a prequel to Final Fantasy 7 and is a mobile battle royale game.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Provides New Screenshots and Details on Sonon Kusakabe

The titles of these games help to establish an interesting pattern for Final Fantasy 7, and while it could all be a coincidence, it does seem as though Square Enix is purposefully titling FF7 spin-off games so that they fill out the alphabet.

Here is a list of Final Fantasy 7 spin-off games (and in the case of Advent Children, movie)

  • Advent Children
  • Before Crisis
  • Crisis Core
  • Dirge of Cerberus
  • Ever Crisis
  • First Soldier
  • G-Bike

It’s clear from the list that there is a Final Fantasy 7 spin-off game for the first seven letters of the alphabet. Assuming Square Enix sticks to this pattern, one could potentially guess at the titles for future Final Fantasy 7 games. Perhaps the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Remake part 2 will include a subtitle that starts with the letter “H.” There is already an upcoming Final Fantasy 7 project that features the letter “I” after all.

Alongside the Final Fantasy 7 Remake PS5 port, Square Enix also confirmed Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade. This is a PS5 exclusive Yuffie DLC episode that should help re-introduce fans to the character for her expanded role in the second part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake proper. While one would think that this “breaks” the pattern, that’s not the case, as Square Enix hasn’t been releasing the projects in order. So Square Enix could skip “H” and go straight to “I,” then circle back to “H” later on.

Considering the immense popularity of Final Fantasy 7, one has to imagine that Square Enix is going to continue to release as many projects based in its universe as possible. Whether or not it gets all the way to “Z” remains to be seen, but it will be interesting to see.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s PS5 Upgrade Could Be Mixed News for Part 2

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