Bravely Default 2 is an RPG that takes place on a realm known as “Excillant” and it’s broken up into five distinct kingdoms with their own geographical traits. Players take control of four young characters named: Seth, Gloria, Adelle, and Elvis as they venture across the land to reclaim four elemental crystals that will save their world. Bravely Default 2 is a direct sequel to Bravely Second: End Layer and the story organically continues from its conclusion. This RPG has a unique combat and leveling system that provides a myriad of options for taking down foes, especially powerful ones like Mushussu.
Mushussu is a rare enemy type that usually comes with its own underlings known as Piestes. Both of these monsters generally come with the same attacks and they can be quite dangerous. Generally, standard “Earth Attacks” such as the sword of stone and various Monk abilities can smite these enemies in short order. Try and use the Qigong Wave or Flying Heel Drop, if they are defaulting. This can put on some massive damage to these enemy types. To make this combat encounter easier, it’s recommended that players focus on the Piestes first and clean up the area before focusing on the Mushussu.
Once the Mushussu is by itself, be sure to stay vigilant. When the Mushussu is on 3BP, be sure to default and try to keep the HP high. This creature is partial to poisoning attacks and it will tear down the team in quick succession. On top of that, it can also store up on turns and unleash a four-hit combo, which can be devastating. When it comes to gear, be sure to equip the Power Bracers, Star Pendant and Force Armlets.

The best jobs and sub-jobs players will need for the Mushussu are Vanguard, White Mage, Beastmaster, Bard, and White Mage. These will ensure the best chance to survive this battle. One trick that players can utilize is the Beastmaster’s Toxoloti attack. This has a 100% chance of poisoning and it can really turn the tide of these types of battles. If players manage to poison the Mushussu, the most preferred method of surviving is simply defending and maxing the HP until it dies.
Ironically, the Mushussu is keen on poisoning its prey yet, it’s vulnerable to poison itself. This is something to keep in mind. If the Beastmaster’s Toxoloti isn’t available, another good alternative is the Black Mage’s poison. It’s not quite as potent, but it’s fairly effective in its own right. Just be sure to stock up on items that can replenish HP and speed before facing this foe.
Bravely Default 2 is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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