In Genshin Impact, if players haven’t found a DPS character to main that is a 5-star, then they usually have to default to Razor. That’s because he’s one of the meanest and most impressive 4-star characters in the game. Some players even go as far as to consider Razor as a 5-star character in disguise.
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For those who haven’t jumped in on the Razor free-to-play bandwagon, knowing some interesting facts about his character might just change your mind. As it is, Razor is also one of the most peculiar figures in Gensin Impact, being a wolf-boy or a wild child who has trouble fitting in with two worlds.
10 His Food Specialty Is A Puppy Paw

Each character in Genshin Impact adds their own favorite flavor to the recipe pool of the game that’s uniquely theirs. Razor’s own recipe is a simple hash brown that takes in the shape of a dog or puppy paw. It’s a fitting design for his character.
After all, he was raised by wolves and the only parents or family he had ever known was in the paws of his wolf pack. Adorably enough, his hash brown doesn’t look too menacing and was likely inspired by a wolf-pup due to how round it is.
9 His Name Was Given By The Knights Of Favonius

One might wonder where Razor got his name and why he was named as such. That’s courtesy of former Knights of Favonius Grandmaster Varka. He was the one who worked towards rehabilitating Razor upon seeing him for the first time.
Back in that moment, the first thought that went into Varka’s mind was how feral Razor is and how sharp his teeth are. Hence, that’s probably why he came up with the name. Consequently, it suits his fighting style and weapon, almost as if Varka planned for Razor to be a violent claymore user.
8 He Didn’t Learn To Fight With A Weapon Until Recently

Speaking of claymores, it was also Varka’s idea to teach Razor how to fight. Razor did know how due to his wolf pack but it was Varka who taught him human combat. He also introduced weapons to Razor and his armament of choice was a claymore.
Why did Varka do that to a child who barely knows how to speak or think for himself? Because! Anyway, Varka’s decisions gave players the second-best claymore user in the game so who’s complaining? It would seem Razor also learned a lot from Varka.
7 Lisa Was His Mentor

As for Razor’s electro skills, most of the credit goes to Lisa of the Knight of Favonius. Lisa was the resident librarian of the Knights of Favonius and its most accomplished electro vision user. So it’s only natural that she’s the one to mentor Razor.
That is regarding his electro vision skills. Given how Razor excels in his physical damage and capabilities better, he probably didn’t maximize Lisa’s teachings. Still, being able to summon an electro wolf to augment your attacks and supercharge your body is impressive nonetheless.
6 Klee Is His Best Friend

Apart from Lisa, Razor also has other special people within the Knights of Favonius circle. His most special friend is none other than Klee, the cutest pyromaniac in Teyvat. Due to their similarly basic demeanor and carefree thinking, they got along well.
Klee also appears to have an instinctive personality which matches well with Razor. In fact, Razor admitted that he felt like a pup who has made a friend for the first time when he met Klee. Klee herself loves to play with Razor’s overgrown hair.
5 He’s Scared Of Lisa And Klee

Despite being best friends with Klee, Razor bonds with her with apprehension. That’s because Razor has seen Klee’s capacity for bombing and he fears her the most out of all the people involved with the Knights of Favonius.
Klee does have a penchant for blowing up Razor’s food, namely the animals he hunts. Such a hunting practice by Klee does serve a better purpose than catching the animal though as it also cooks them in the process. It’s probably just too loud for Razor’s ears.
4 He’s Also Friends With Bennett

Apparently, Razor goes along well with pyro users since his other close friend in the Knights of Favonius is Bennett. Bennett isn’t that far off from Klee anyway as both of them are naive, enthusiastic, and energetic.
As such, Bennett being a simple individual makes him compatible with Razor. Razor certainly doesn’t mind Bennett’s propensity to babble too much and also loves eating buffets with him even though Bennett never gets full.
3 He Didn’t Know He Was Human Until Recently

One of the saddest things to happen to Razor apart from losing his dear wolf pack friends is finding out that he’s not one of them. This happened not too long ago in the Genshin Impact timeline when Varka was still the Grandmaster.
Razor believed that he was a wolf until he saw Varka in the flesh and noted some similarities between the both of them. Gradually, Razor started questioning his species until he started learning how to talk courtesy of Varka and even dressing up.
2 Shares the same voice actor as Roxas of Kingdom Hearts

Those of you who are fond of Japanese voiceovers in anime and even in video games, particularly Kingdom Hearts will likely find Razor’s voice familiar. That’s because Razor’s Japanese voice actor is Koki Uchiyama.
Uchiyama is the same Japanese voice actor who provides the voice lines for Roxas in all Kingdom Hearts games. Other media where you can likely hear Razor’s confused voice include Soul Eater, Violet Evergarden, and even Devilman Crybaby.
1 He’s Carnivorous Mostly

Since Razor spent his childhood running free with wolves, he had to adjust accordingly to their diet and their digestion. Hence, Razor doesn’t eat human food but rather meat and the occasional wolf hook berries.
His reasoning states that he will never touch the food his prey eats, which is vegetables and plants. For that matter, Razor can digest raw meat or even prefer it to cooked given how he’s always talking about hunting.

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