Maquette: Crew Creatures Trophy Guide | Game Rant

The Crew Creatures trophy in Maquette has a somewhat oblique description that features a long list of characters and the indication that players must discover them all. While this may seem like an overwhelming task upon first glance, fans can actually earn this achievement by visiting only one location, and it can be accessed during Maquette‘s The Gateways chapter. Detailing how to reach this location is the exact purpose of this guide, and players that read on should have little trouble obtaining the trophy.

To start, it is important to note that this guide will assume that the reader already knows how to complete The Gateways, and it will thus not provide a full walkthrough of that chapter in Maquette. Instead, it will begin at the point where the small pink crystal is used to destroy the large pink crystal, and it will proceed from there. As such, puzzle game fans that are still working toward that moment may want to return to this guide at a later date.

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With that established, once a Maquette player has evaporated the large pink crystal, they should climb the stairs and make their way back to the room where they dropped the small cyan crystal in order to pickup the small pink one. Here, fans should reclaim the cyan crystal, exit the room, and use the nearby bridge to jump onto the rock pile leading over the wall. This is something that players will have just done with the pink crystal, and it should thus be quite fresh in their minds.

On the other side of that wall, fans should head forward toward the large green house and pass through the cyan gate. Players should now see a dog house on the ground in front of them, and there are numerous pictures of animals lining its interior walls. It just so happens that these animals are the characters that are being referenced by Maquette‘s Crew Creatures trophy, and fans will earn this video game achievement as soon as they walk inside.

To close, it is worth mentioning that this is not the only missable trophy in this new puzzle game from developer Graceful Decay. Indeed, Maquette‘s Run, Move, Run! achievement is another that can be missed entirely, and there are several more scattered across the title as well. This means that players that are going for 100% completion should not be too surprised if the accomplishments requires a couple of additional playthroughs.

Maquette is out now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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