Walmart Restocking Xbox Series X and S Consoles Today | Game Rant

The newest generation of gaming consoles released in November of last year, but there are still countless players trying to get their hands on a console of their own. Whether it’s caused by supply shortages thanks to the ongoing global pandemic, scalpers buying up stock before earnest players get a chance, or something else, finding one of these consoles can be a real hassle. Would-be Xbox Series X owners will be thrilled to know then that Walmart will have more units in stock later today. In fact, players also will have a chance to get their hands on an Xbox Series S or a PS5.

Tracking the stock of the Xbox Series X and the PS5 has been a constant challenge for gamers since their launch in November of 2020, and usually new consoles become available without any notice. This time, reports indicate that Walmart is restocking both consoles later today, so interested fans should do their best to be ready to buy. Click here for the Xbox Series X and click here for the Xbox Series S.

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Found by Wario64, according to Walmart’s website the consoles will be made available today, March 4th, starting at 2:30 PM EST. That means in just two short hours from the time of writing, a whole new batch of lucky fans will finally be able to experience the thrill of next generation gaming. While it’s wise to be prepared and do everything possible to nab one of these units, players should also understand that competition will be fierce. There are still tons of gamers waiting for this, and it’s very likely that the machine will sell out quickly. If it’s anything like other console restocks, Walmart’s website is liable to crash as well.

In general, it helps to be logged into a Walmart account with payment information already loaded in. Minutes before 2:30 PM EST, players should be refreshing the window as fast as they can. Assuming the console says it’s available to be added to the cart, try to get through the checkout process as quickly as possible. Doing all of these things should maximize the chances of getting a console, but there’s still not guarantee. Finally, some players think demand for the Xbox Series S seems to be less than that of the Xbox Series X, so fans that don’t mind getting the less powerful variant may want to try for that console instead. That said, this isn’t confirmed and may not help at all.

With each new restock, more players gain access to next generation gaming and the games that come with it. That means bigger communities to play with in next gen specific games, and generally speaking more happy gamers. With any luck, Walmart’s restock will be substantial enough to allow a good number of players to have a chance with the new consoles.

The Xbox Series X is available now.

MORE: Xbox Series X Partnering With Samsung QLED


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