The Outriders demo, developed by People Can Fly, has been making its name known over the last week. Gamers all over the world have been talking about the demo and discussing its potential while sharing their Legendary Drops. Today, Square Enix shared the real success of the Outriders demo on Reddit.
Two million players have downloaded the Outriders demo and have been experiencing the gameplay and build mechanics available to them. From creating their first character and choosing their first class to unleashing the power of an Altered on their enemies, players have been expressing their joy of the demo across social media.
Outriders currently features four classes that players can choose from: The Technomancer, Pyromancer, Trickster, and Devastator, each offering unique powers and abilities for players to unleash. People Can Fly have stated that more classes may come in future content, if the game becomes a hit. Many early reviews show positive reception as Outriders players are completing the demo multiple times, testing out the different classes, and farming for legendary gear.

The Outriders demo launched with a few bugs, however, the team has worked hard to address these issues to create a better experience when the game officially launches. Outriders developers have also been transparent about issues that they have not found fixes for. Outriders is expected to launch a server-side patch on Friday, March 5, that will address some changes to enemies, as well as changes to loot drops. Outriders’ development team has mentioned that it is not wanting to prevent farming runs, but rather redirect farming methods to more enjoyable methods in-game.
Outriders was announced at E3 2019 with a scheduled release for the 2020 holiday season. After being delayed and pushed to February 2021, Outriders was hit with another delay pushing the release date to April 1, 2021. With multiple development delays near launch, hitting the 2 million downloads milestone is a major feat for Outriders. With the so-far-positive reception of Outriders, the previous delays may have been worth it.
Outriders takes a PVE-centric approach, with no current plans of a PVP game mode. The choice to leave out a PVP game mode means that People Can Fly doesn’t have to worry about balancing the game for both PVE and PVP. While some gamers have expressed a desire for a PVP mode, Outriders focusing only on a PVE based game can mean that players get to experience more overpowered abilities without worry that they will be nerfed to create balance in PVP.
Outriders will release April 1 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: Reddit

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