Though it may sound like a bad idea at first, Valheim players will inevitably want to build a fire indoors. The nights are cold in this world, and players won’t be able to sleep unless they are near a source of warmth. Early on in the game, this is fine as players are probably sleeping outside anyway, but after building a base, things get more complicated. If players try to place a fire inside their home, the room will fill up with smoke and the player will ultimately die, but without a fire near the bed, players won’t be able to sleep. Thankfully, there’s a workaround for this.
As a survival game, Valheim players need to constantly be vigilant and keep watch for danger. Few expected smoke inhalation to be on the list of ways to die in the game, so it goes without saying that this nasty cause of death claimed more than a few survivors in the game’s early days. Players will want to keep these tricks in mind when building a fire indoors.
The obvious solution is to build a chimney above the fireplace to allow for ventilation, but if players simply create a tunnel leading straight up out of their house, rain will still get in and put out the fire when the weather isn’t perfect. The solution to this issue is to use a slanted roof at the top of the chimney. This should allow for the smoke from the fire to filter up and out of the home while also protecting the fire and the inside of the house from any harsh weather. That said, this isn’t the only way to go about things.
Players have come up with all sorts of creative ventilation methods, but one of the most tried and true methods was used by Vikings over a thousand years ago. In a long house, players can build a large fire in the very center of the room. The smoke will still filter up to the top of the hall, so players will need to create a whole in the top. This can be covered with angular pieces again, and wholes can also be left at the ends of the longhouse in the wall for even more ventilation.
The best thing to do is experiment in Valheim and see what types of unique ventilation solutions players can come up with, but these quick fixes will get players through to start off. There are a lot of ways to die in Valheim, so don’t let smoke inhalation be one of them.
Valheim is available now.
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