What to Expect from Oddworld: Soulstorm | Game Rant

Oddworld is filled to the brim with memorable creatures, dark humor, and social overtones that relate to the every day life on Earth. An evil alien race called the Glukkons have taken control over the Mudokon race, enslaving them and taking away their culture and history. The Mudokon were a very spiritual race before they were demoralized by the Glukkons. With that in mind, one has to wonder what significance the upcoming Oddworld: Soulstorm has in store for fans.

As a series that has been going for over two decades, Oddworld‘s older entries certainly look dated compared to modern games, so it was about time everyone got a fresh dose of Abe. This time, in Oddworld: Soulstorm, players will pick up where they left off in 2014’s Abe’s Odyssey: New N’ Tasty, which is itself a “ground-up remake” of the 1997 original. Fans can expect a similar treatment of the 1998 title Abe’s Exoddus, rebuilt in a new engine and new story released under the title Oddworld: Soulstorm.

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In this next installment of the platformer, players will get to see a natural successor to the 1997 classic that stole the hearts of so many gamers back on the original PlayStation. This new game in the series will serve as the natural successor to the classic, and will set the series up with the story that Oddworld Inhabitants wanted to tell from the beginning. This is all happening while Oddworld Inhabitants is continuing to bring its games to new audiences, including releasing Oddworld: New N’ Tasty to the Switch last fall.

The release of New N’ Tasty was the return to the gaming industry for Oddworld Inhabitants and co-founder Lorne Lanning. The general interest and landscape for the game doesn’t really seem like it could be any better. In the same vein, the future of the series depends on what fans want, and if that hunger persists after Oddworld: Soulstorm‘s release date.

Of course, there are those who just don’t seem to enjoy the odd and edgy themes in every game of Oddworldand as with any game, it remains to be seen how it is received. Still, fans should expected nothing less than a dedicated remake, and that in and of itself is reason enough to be hyped for the upcoming entry.

Oddworld: Soulstorm will be available on April 6th, 2021 for PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Oddworld: Soulstorm PS5 Trailer Shows Graphical Improvements


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