Experienced Apex Legends players know how dominant Gibraltar can be in-game. The character is one of the top-tier options in competitive Apex modes. However, players need to use the character correctly to take advantage of his abilities. Gibraltar may be slow, but he is an incredible tank in ranked modes.
Players that want to play at an extremely fast pace are better off using another legend. Despite his mobility, Gibraltar is one of the best legends for players that want to win matches and rank up in Apex. Gamers should use the following tactics to have more success using Gibraltar in the battle royale.

One of the best perks of using Gibraltar is his gun shield. When players aim down sight, the shield will block 50hp worth of damage. After the shield breaks, players will only have to wait nine seconds for the shield to regenerate. If used effectively, the gun shield essentially gives Gibraltar 50 extra hp. Apex gamers should always crouch while aiming down sight, as the shield will block all enemy fire that is not a headshot. Additionally, If players look down and toward an enemy grenade, the gun shield will block all explosive damage.

If players are fighting with Gibraltar and the gun shield breaks, they should seek cover and wait for the shield to regenerate before re-engaging. Gibraltar is extremely effective at range, because opponents will often struggle to break the gun shield and close the distance before nine seconds have elapsed. If the gun shield is used correctly, enemies will not even be able to damage Gibraltar’s base shield. It is imperative that players practice aiming down sight in close gunfights as well to ensure the shield is blocking as many bullets as possible. At first, using Gibraltar’s shield can be awkward, but with a little practice, players will dominate with the tank. The gun shield is incredibly overpowered, and players that want to win more games need to try Gibraltar in ranked play.

Gibraltar should always have the weakest armor in the squad. Because he has the gun shield, Gibraltar effectively has a higher tier of armor. Gibraltar players should give the purple and red armor to their teammates and use the blue or base armor. Players using Gibraltar will inevitably level up their armor anyway throughout the match.
Gamers that choose Gibraltar are an incredible asset for teammates. Gibraltar should always be the first to peek a corner because of the additional gun shield hp. Players can also look to Gibraltar whenever they are low health or are caught off guard. Gibraltar mains that communicate well with their squad are extremely difficult to outplay. Gibraltar may not be the best at getting high kills or outmaneuvering opponents, but he is one of the best teammates to have in Apex Legends.

Players need to master the bubble shield to maximize the potential of Gibraltar in competitive modes. Gibraltar’s bubble will block all bullets and attacks outside of the dome for 12 seconds. The Dome of Protection also increases the speed of healing items by 15 percent. Gamers should think of the dome as essentially a replica of the bubble shield from Halo 3. Players can enter and exit the bubble, but outside gunfire and grenades will not penetrate though it.
Gibraltar’s bubble is a useful tool for players who want to control the pace of a gunfight. The dome is effective at offensive as well as defensive tactics. For example, if a teammate goes down or Gibraltar is low hp, players can seclude themselves and recover. Gamers can also pop the bubble to bait enemy players and to take speculative shots from long distances. The best method of using the bubble is to play the edge of it and move in and out to get a shot on enemy players. Apex gamers will be surprised by how many people will walk right into the bubble.
Gamers can have a lot of success using the bubble on the edge of the zone. Gibraltar players can drop the dome between the new and old zones to create a small slice of safe space in late-game situations. Teams will strain to differentiate between the zone and the Dome of Protection.

Gibraltar mains should be pairing a long-range weapon with a shotgun. The pairing works perfectly with the playstyle of Gibraltar. Gamers will either be fighting from distance or baiting opponents with the Dome of Protection. The best weapons for Gibraltar are the Hemlock and the Mastiff. The Hemlock is effective at extended ranges, and the Mastiff is the most powerful shotgun up close. The Kraber is also a good weapon for Gibraltars, and gamers should combine the sniper with a close-range weapon.

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