When Bungie outlined the future for the next few years in Destiny 2 with the Beyond Light expansion, followed by The Witch Queen, and ended its timeline with Lightfall, Guardians were excited about what is to come. This excitement recently grew with Bungie’s recent announcement of another chapter coming after Lightfall to end the Light and Darkness Saga, and as a result, the future of Destiny looks long and prosperous for many fans of the long-running looter shooter.
A new chapter after Lightfall is big in and of itself, but the idea that this expansion will conclude the Light and Darkness Saga is even bigger. If nothing else, this begs a ton of questions: will there be a whole new saga, how long could this next saga be, and what kind of stories will take place in the future?

The Light and Darkness Saga has been going on since 2014 for an almost seven year run with two more year-long expansions following the current Beyond Light expansion. This seems to line up with Bungie’s original ten-year plan for Destiny, but it is still unclear if this will be the end of the conflict between The Light and The Darkness or if a another threat will emerge to continue in future sagas and stories.
If future Destiny sagas are comparable in length, Guardians could be looking at ten or more years of Destiny content one the Light and Darkness Saga ends. News detailing the length of future sagas is still not out for Guardians to have definitive answers; however, the announcement that the past six to seven years of Destiny has all been apart of a single saga likely indicates that more sagas are to come.

The conclusion of the Light and Darkness Saga comes with an un-titled chapter after Lightfall, which should place the un-titled chapter right around early 2024. Depending on the length of the un-titled chapter, it could be early-to-mid 2024 or even 2025 before Guardians see a new Destiny Saga. Considering Bungie only recently announced that the entirety of Destiny so far has all been part of one larger saga, it is possible that the idea of Destiny Sagas is a recent one.
Bungie could very well make future sagas shorter, only spanning a few years as opposed to nearly a decade for Destiny 2‘s Light and Darkness Saga. Shorter sagas could lead to more condensed storylines with faster resolutions, while still maintaining yearlong expansions that Guardians have come accustomed to. Of course, this is just speculation as the future of Destiny 2 will see the game crossing into new territory.

The Traveler in Destiny has a history of fleeing when things do not go its way. It once fled from The Darkness, leaving behind the Eliksni, also known as The Fallen. Depending on the outcome of the Light and Darkness Saga, the Traveler may attempt to flee again, leaving Guardians without the Light, just as it did the Eliksni.
In The Stranger’s Dark Future timeline, The Traveler attempts to flee before being chained up by Zavala, and it has been made abundantly clear throughout Destiny lore that the Traveler has no problem running away. The Traveler attempting to flee could prompt players to chase after it, leading to new places to discover, and this could set up some interesting stories—would these Guardians still have access to the light in this case?

Over the years, Guardians have slowly been making allies out of their enemies. Mithrax, a once Fallen Captain and now the Kell of House Light, previously aided Guardians and looks to be thriving as a Kell. In Beyond Light, Guardians come across Variks for the first time since his involvement in Cayde-6’s death. Variks wishes for Guardians to aid him in sending Fallen that oppose Eramis to Mithrax, so they may join House Light. Variks also aids Guardians in defeating Eramis for the good of his people.
In Season of the Chosen, Cabal Empress Caiatl appears to be at odds with Guardians. As the story unfolds surrounding Caiatl, Guardians may find that she is not as much of a threat as originally thought. Caiatl wants to destroy the Hive, and her father, Emperor Calus. Caiatl does not have a direct opposition to the Guardians aside from Zavala declining her invitation for Guardians submit and join her army.
Making allies of Fallen and Cabal through Mithrax and Caiatl could be an interesting change of events and would be something large enough to spawn multiple new stories that could be explored in Destiny’s future sagas. These potential enemies-turned-allies could also be valuable in defeating The Darkness and putting an end to the Light and Darkness Saga in a surprising way.

From the beginning of Destiny, The Darkness has always been a threat, looming over everything in the background. Throughout the Guardian’s journey, they are constantly reminded of The Traveler’s opposition; the Darkness and The Traveler have fought in the past, long before the events of Destiny take place. With The Darkness now playing an active part in the Destiny story, Guardians may be wondering what happens if The Darkness is destroyed.
With Guardians now able to wield The Darkness, would they lose that capability if The Darkness was defeated? Bungie has spent a long-time developing the current Darkness-based Subclass, Stasis, and Bungie has also talked about releasing more Darkness-based Subclasses in the future. Removing Darkness Subclasses if The Darkness is defeated could be an unpopular move to many Guardians, yet there’s a lot of ways this could all come to an end that could justify keeping these.
Regardless of where Bungie takes the future of Destiny after the Light and Darkness Saga, it is safe to say that Bungie has plans for Destiny to continue past its initial ten-year plan. Guardians have endless possibilities for where they could go and what they could do, so only time will tell.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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