When launching a new world in Terraria, players typically let the game create a random map for them to explore. However, there is the option to manually input a code or word so the player knows exactly (or at least has an idea of) what they are getting into. This is called the World Seed feature, and, as with the wacky world of Terraria mods, the possibilities are almost endless.
Worlds can be Small, Medium, or Large when it comes to size; have Classic, Expert, Master, or Journey when it comes to difficulty; and contain Corruption or Crimson. Terraria is hard enough if players are not familiar with the ins and outs of the game, and custom map seeds have the potential to make it even harder (albeit more fun and unpredictable). Only dedicated fans of Terraria and similar titles need apply.
10 The Floating Dungeon (Seed: 1224689814)

Usually, both in the Terraria universe and video games as a whole, dungeons are located underground. With this world seed, the dungeon is located on a floating island way up in the sky. To reach the floating dungeon, players must travel all the way to the right of the map until they hit a huge pink brick wall. From there, the only path to take is up.
Also, if played on Normal difficulty with Crimson set, players will find a chest inside a house containing a Red Balloon. If Corruption is set instead, they will discover several altars inside. However, players will not stumble upon a Water Bolt anywhere in this dungeon, despite being so high above surface level.
9 The Underwater Dungeon (Seed: 490456395)

The dungeon in this map is appropriately located underneath the surface. What is not appropriate, however, is the ocean sitting right above said dungeon. Players will find that the entrance to the dungeon in this world is blocked by the ocean and therefore inaccessible. They will need to dig to gain access and enter this dungeon. Upon doing so, the flood gates open.
The water is drained directly into the dungeon that players have yet to even begin exploring. Dungeons are demanding enough (though not in terms of PC specifications) to begin with, and now gamers have to deal with gallons and gallons of water further impeding progress.
8 Starting On Sky Island (Seed: 1532291273)

When starting in a new world on Terraria, it helps to spawn right off the bat on the ground. There’s plenty of space to build a home base after gathering some essential resources. This is the first step in any new game of Terraria, for the most part. Instead, with this world seed, players spawn on an island in the sky. There is a consolation prize, however: an Annoying Starfury located in the chest inside the house at the starting point.
After grabbing this mediocre weapon, players will want to jump off to return to the land below. They won’t survive, however. Instead, they will need to dig, then fall to the surface with the water from the pool on the island in the sky.
7 Starting On Sky Lake (Seed: 936616411)

The only thing worse than spawning on an island in the sky is spawning on a lake on an island in the sky. With this world seed, players will indeed be spawned on a floating lake sitting in the sky.
Like the map with the island in the sky, players cannot simply jump off. By descending with the water from the lake, they will reach the surface safely (flooding the entire world below them). There is also no bonus item, not even a cosmetic item (the game boasts some fantastic ones), located at the starting point on this map.
6 Welcome To The Jungle (Seed: sydney)

While it may be preferable to start a new world off on the ground in Terraria, it depends on which biome players find themselves in. For example, spawning in an area filled with not only vines and mud but also bats, piranhas, and creatures known as “Snatchers” does not sound so fun. This is what the Jungle Biome offers. There are also giant tortoises and flying foxes, as well as angler fish and creatures known as “Angry Trappers” (among other things). Last but not least, enemies in the Jungle tend to have much more health and deal more damage than those typically found in other biomes on the surface.
With this world seed, players start in the jungle and will face a not-so-easy beginning to their Terraria journey. It should also be noted a beehive spawns close to the starting point, so players do get the chance to fight Queen Bee early on for some valuable loot (especially for a fresh adventure).
5 Where Did The Ocean Go (Seed: 411826734)

When players wake up in a brand new world in Terraria, they are certain of two things: to the right lies a vast ocean and to the left lies another vase ocean. With this world seed, however, there is no such vast ocean to the right. In fact, there is no ocean at all there, or even a drop of water. It’s all dried up.
If the map is played on Normal difficulty with Crimson set, there is a little underground house to be found that would normally be discovered underneath the ocean. Fortunately, there is still an ocean on the left side of the map, if players are still interested in fishing and getting involved in other aquatic activities.
4 The Sword In The Stone (Seed: imperial)

Although harder than Classic yet easier than Master, playing Terraria on Expert difficulty (with Crimson set) is nothing to sneeze at. Thanks to this world seed, though, players will be able to start off their journey with an Enchanted Sword, or even an Arkhalis.
Players have a 9/10 chance to find an Enchanted Sword but just a 1/10 chance to discover an Arkhalis. They will be more than ready with either option for the expert-level adventures ahead, and look cool doing it (for those style-conscious players who make use of the dye feature).
3 For The Worthy (Seed: for the worthy)

While most custom world seeds are known as regular and only affect the world’s structure, Terraria also features secret seeds that can generate worlds with characteristics unattainable through regular ones. There are three secret seeds, and one of them significantly increases the health of all enemies in the world as well as the damage they deal.
In addition, some of the water in the world is replaced with lava, bunnies will explode in players’ faces, pots may drop bombs when broken and trees the same when shaken, more spike traps and spiders spawn, floating islands are all evil and there is a chance players will spawn in the jungle. A vast Jungle that will take up nearly half the entire map, at that.
2 Not The Bees (Seed: not the bees)

Another secret seed turns much of the world into bee-themed biomes and fills the world with bee-related items and structures. For example, all stone blocks are now hive blocks and the water in the world is replaced with honey. Also, most of the world has been taken over by the jungle biome, and larvae and hornets spawn everywhere.
Hornets are flying enemies that are aggressive and fire stinger projectiles that may inflict poison. Larvae, meanwhile, are used to spawn Queen Bee, the boss version of the hornets.
1 Drunk World (Seed: 5162020)

The final secret seed produces an extremely bizarre world; text in the loading screens appears as numbers and the loading bar is distorted and red. Upon arrival, the player will find the Guide is replaced with the Party Girl and the clouds in the sky are shaped like faces. Several areas will have fallen to Corruption or Crimson already and the forest is created from giant trees which feature chests that house one of the rarest items in the game, Moon Lord’s Legs.
Another peculiar element of this world is that the Jungle Temples are a lot larger and floating islands appear near the Desert and Snow Biomes. As for the dungeon, it is only discoverable on the far right side of the map, by a huge yellow tree.

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