Destiny 2’s Trials of Osiris is a weekly PVP activity starting on Friday and ending with the weekly reset on the following Tuesday. Guardians around the world compete against each other in a 3V3 Elimination game mode with Light Levels enabled similar to Iron Banner.
Trials of Osiris has always been a competitive space for Guardians to show off their PVP prowess. The goal for many Guardians participating in the Trials of Osiris, is to win seven matches in a row without losing, to achieve a Flawless Trials Card. A Flawless Trials Card allows Guardians to visit the Lighthouse and claim some Trials of Osiris specific loot.
Cancelling Trials of Osiris is not something Bungie likes to do, so it gained attention when the developer announced that this weekend’s activity had been canceled. Recently, players have discovered an exploit to the Destiny 2 matchmaking system that allows them to win trade, allowing players to visit the Lighthouse with minimal effort. In many win trading scenarios, players never actually combat each other, ignoring the main purpose of a competitive PVP-based game mode like Trials of Osiris.
Bungie has since disabled Trials of Osiris, pending further investigation into an issue regarding the activity. While Bungie has not specifically stated this is because of the win trading exploit, it is not hard for players to come to this conclusion considering the cancellation of Trials of Osiris followed a weekend full of win trading.
Players took to the social media to share exactly how the win trading exploit worked, and even developed a system to indicate to other players that they are open to using the win trading exploit. By wearing a specific Hakke emblem, they could easily identity other Guardians to start the win trading process with. From here, they would contact each other and start the process of win trading.
The process of win trading is a complicated one but allows everyone participating to gain a Flawless Card and access to the Lighthouse. With the losing team swapping characters, players did not have to worry about any losses hurting their overall progress on their main character. This means that players were getting the exclusive Trials of Osiris rewards without playing the game as Bungie intended.
There is no news on how long it is going to take Bungie to patch the exploit, leaving Trials of Osiris players to make other plans for their weekend gaming sessions. This win trading exploit surfaced alongside another matchmaking exploit that allows players to double the size of a Fireteam and run 12-man raids.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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