Choosing the right and the best spouse in Skyrim gets overwhelming, given how many choices there are. Some NPCs have no fighting capabilities at all, while some are hardened warriors and powerful mages who can accompany the Dragonborn on their quests across the province.
When it comes to the stealthy rogue build, it’s very challenging to find spouses who fit that play style and don’t compromise the player’s sneaking. To be fair, the best approach is to go in as a lone wolf as a stealthy rogue, but those who still prefer to have some company along should try marrying and recruiting some of these following husbands.
10 Derkeethus

One approach for a rogue might be more of an assassin who sneaks into range to attack their enemies, in which case an archer might be one option. Derkeethus is among the few Argonian spouses in the game, and is particularly good at archery, ideal for this purpose.
His level cap isn’t the best, with a range of 6 to 30. He can be found at Darkwater Crossing, working as a miner. After helping him escape the mine, he can be recruited and married. He’s very squishy unless given proper armor. Light Armor is the best option for him, as well as a decent bow to replace his hunting bow.
9 Ghorbash The Iron Hand

Head over to Dushnik Yal to find another talented archer, Ghorbash. The Dragonborn will need to persuade him to leave the stronghold and pursue his dreams of adventuring once more to gain him as a follower and spouse.
Ghorbash caps at level 30, and he excels in Light Armor, as well as Archery. He’s great for any rogues that prefer to play as assassins at close range with daggers and the like, and need a follower to take angles further away.
8 Marcurio

Marcurio is a choice for far more seasoned players who can afford not having a tough ranged character. He’s a mage, which means he’s incredibly fragile and can only distract for a set amount of time before he’s downed. However, the damage he outputs can be immensely useful for any dagger-loving rogue.
Marcurio caps at level 40, and is a classic mercenary character who can be found at the Bee and Barb in Riften. Offer him 500 gold and he can be hired and married. His specialty lies in Destruction magic and Restoration.
7 Belrand

The second approach for any rogues is to have a tankier follower protect them while they either use a bow from a distance or do secondary damage with daggers from afar. Belrand is a decent option in that case, with a special skill in magic as well which gives him a slight edge.
He’s a mercenary, available for hire at the Winking Skeever in Solitude. After paying him 500 gold, he can be married and taken along as a follower. Due to his skill divide, he’s more of a spellsword, which can be a great, varied set of skills to bring in to complement a rogue.
6 Calder

For more classic followers that act as fantastic meat shields, any of the Housecarls are amazing options. Calder becomes available for players who have earned the position Thane of Eastmarch, which can take quite a bit of time given all the quests that must be completed.
Still, Calder has a high level cap of 50, which is hard to come across in other followers. He’s strongest with heavy armor and one-handed, which means he’ll be in the thick of the fight to distract the enemy for a rogue to do whatever they please.
5 Argis The Bulwark

Another good Housecarl to consider hiring is Argis the Bulwark. He’s more of a mid-game spouse and follower, however, as acquiring him requires the player to complete quite a few quests in Markarth before becoming the local Thane.
With a level cap of 50, he’s great for the majority of the game, and is best with heavy armor and one-handed. That being said, there’s not much more utility to him, just like Calder.
4 Stenvar

The mercenaries of Skyrim are a much better option for players looking for tanky spouses. Stenvar is a favorite of many, due to his extremely good skill level in heavy armor and two-handed. He’ll be the first to run into a fight and pull all the attention on to himself, and actually survive the ordeal.
Stenvar must be paid 500 gold at Windhelm’s Candlehearth Hall in order for him to join the Dragonborn’s travels. After that, he can also be married. He has a decent level cap of 40, so he’s guaranteed to be useful for most of early and mid-game.
3 Vorstag

If as a rogue the player prefers a fighter who’s more fast-paced and doesn’t have to do long, slow two-handed swings, Vorstag might be a better option than Stenvar. He can be found in Markarth, at the Silver-Blood Inn and like any mercenary, will ask for 500 gold before he can be hired or married.
Vorstag’s talents lie in heavy armor and one-handed combat, which allows him to be a bit more mobile than a two-handed warrior and input more damage per second. Between him and Stenvar, it’s really more of a preference question for rogues looking for a tanky husband.
2 Farkas

Farkas is a severely underrated follower and husband for rogues, because unlike the grand majority of available spouses, his sneak skill will be majorly higher at level 50. While Housecarls like Argis and Calder will still have 15 in sneak at level 50, Farkas will be at 64, which is a huge advantage when paired with a rogue that needs a stealthy partner.
While Farkas himself isn’t exactly a rogue, he’s still by far among the stealthiest tank male spouses in the game, which makes him worthwhile. The catch is, the player will need to complete the Companions quest line completely before having him fully available as a spouse and a follower. He thrives best in light armor and one-handed combat.
1 Vilkas

Farkas’ brother Vilkas is much closer to Stenvar when it comes to his abilities. That makes him fantastic at tanking damage, due to his strength in heavy armor and two-handed combat. That being said, his sneaking isn’t as good as that of Farkas, so he’s more of a distraction.
Just like Farkas, he’s a member of the Companions and only available after the Dragonborn has joined the faction and completed the main quest line. After that, he can be married and recruited. Like Housecarls and Farkas, he caps at level 50, making him quite the powerhouse, his poor stealth aside.

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