The Simpsons: 10 Times Homer Was Unexpectedly Profound

Everyone knows and loves the head of the Simpsons’ household, Homer Simpson. He’s famous for his witty, and sometimes inappropriate dad-humor, his catchphrases, and yes, his pure love for his children. In the show’s 32 seasons, his authentic love toward his family gifts viewers with some unexpectedly heartwarming scenes that strip him of his crude personality, and actually, turn him into a relatable and lovable human for a moment.

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Everyone can find humor in their dysfunctional lives, but The Simpsons shows a dysfunctional – yet ordinary – family, and while using their everyday lives to twist humor out of it, they also show some deep and serious mirrors. It’s these pivotal scenes that show the workings of a family like this.

10 His Bicycle Ride With Marge

Homer is – to put it nicely – not the best husband a woman could dream of, but he tries, nonetheless, and that’s what matters. When a DUI puts a strain on his marriage, Marge challenges him to go 30 days without beer. The peak of the episode is when Homer has to choose between his temptation and his wife when Marge suggests a bicycle ride on the 30th day of his sobriety.

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Rushing to the bar to celebrate winning the challenge, he looks around and realizes that his marriage is more important, and this one beer could cost him his life. Ultimately, he goes to Marge, riding into the sunset with her. While their marriage is strained, their mutual love and their ways of lifting each other are admirable, and often heartwarming.

9 His Appreciation For Lisa

Although he rarely understands her or can even keep up a conversation with her, Homer’s number one girl will always be Lisa. However, one episode brought them closer together than any other. When it turns out, that Homer’s stupidity stems from a crayon being stuck in his nose, he decides to take it out. For a brief moment, he’s just as smart as Lisa, resulting in a bond Lisa’s been hoping for all her life.

Unfortunately, at the end of the episode, Homer decides to go back to the old days, putting the crayon back in his nose, as he doesn’t want to change. This understandably disappoints Lisa, until she sees a note left for her, saying: “I’m taking the coward’s way out. But before I do, I just wanted to say being smart made me appreciate just how amazing you really are.” This note is the perfect nod to Lisa, showing her the admiration and empathy she was craving from her family.

8 Maggie’s First Word

One of the sweetest moments in the series is the episode of Maggie’s first word. While looking back on Lisa and Bart’s first word, they discuss that both his children call him Homer instead of Dad. When Homer takes Maggie to her crib and leaves her to sleep, she takes her pacifier out and says “Daddy,” making her first word the only word he wanted to hear.

7 Lisa’s Pony

What little girl didn’t want a pony when they were growing up? Not all fathers go the extra mile to make their little girl’s dream true. When Homer heard that Lisa’s biggest wish was to have her very own pony, he was determined to leave no stone unturned to get it for her. He even got a second job and slept only two minutes between shifts.

Homer is known to be nonchalant about a lot of happenings in the family or in his work, but this heartwarming gesture proves that he’s softer than viewers might think.

6 Bobo, The Teddy Bear

Throughout an entire episode, Mr. Burns searched for a teddy bear named Bobo. When Maggie sees this plushy, she gets attached right away.

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No matter what Mr. Burns offers in exchange for the bear, Homer soon realizes that he wouldn’t sell his daughter’s happiness for any amount of money.

5 His Goodbye

When Homer thinks he’s dying after eating a poisonous fish, he decides to do everything he wanted to in his limited time. This meant saying goodbye to his family. This sequence of goodbye kisses for his sleeping children, and his wish to have one more dinner with his family are a true testament to the fact that he is a good man with a loving heart despite his many faults.

4 Taking Lisa To The Museum

Having little mischievous secrets with your parents is the best, and Homer is possibly the best candidate to make these rule-breaking memories happen. When Lisa really wanted to go to the Egyptian Museum, Homer snuck themselves in after-hours, teaching her that it’s okay to take a risk every now and then.

They ended up cracking the Orb of Isis by accident and decided to keep it their little secret. Although Lisa is much smarter and wiser than Homer, all he wanted is for her to look up to him. This is his way of connecting to her on an intellectual level, all the while teaching her to let go a little.

3 Bart’s Robot

Homer’s biggest dream is to be admired by his children. Because he’s not that successful in his everyday life, he goes above and beyond to put a smile on his family’s face.

He wanted to prove to Bart that he’s smart by making him a robot, but once he failed in doing that, he decided to dress up as the strange, mechanical being, taking a major beating to make his son proud of him. Homer lacks a lot of things, but this episode made a lot of viewers wish for a father like this.

2 Lisa’s Beauty Pageant

In her early years, Lisa was struggling with her self-confidence. When Homer saw she was feeling down, he decided to enter her into a beauty pageant to boost her self-esteem. Unfortunately, he couldn’t afford the entry fee, so he sold his blimp ticket, a ride he was looking forward to for a long time.

In the same episode, there’s another sweet, and a little morbid scene. Marge tells Homer that he’s looking at his daughter through a father’s eyes, to which he replies, “If I could gouge someone’s eyes out and shove them into my sockets, I would, but to me, she’s beautiful.”

1 “Do It For Her”

This is possibly the most heartwarming moment in the series and even inspired a long-lasting meme. When Bart and Lisa wonder why there are no baby pictures of Maggie, it turns out, that when Marge was pregnant with Maggie, Homer had to quit his dream job and crawl back to Mr. Burns. Burns wouldn’t let him forget this fact, putting up a sign that said: “Don’t forget, you’re here forever”

Over Time, Homer covered this sign with pictures of Maggie, ultimately making out the phrase, “Do it for her.” The best thing about Homer’s heartwarming moments is his genuine aspiration and proactivity of becoming a better husband and father, as shown through these gestures.

NEXT: The Simpsons: The 10 Seasons With The Best First Episodes, Ranked According To IMDb


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