Many actors tend to get deep into the characters they’re playing, whether it be mentally or even physically. In the case of Karen Gillan, who plays Nebula in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, it’s definitely the latter, and as a result, she’s figured out a way to almost seamlessly change back to “herself” once shooting is over.
Some may remember how Gillan went as far as to shave her head when first playing Nebula in the first Mass Effect-inspired Guardians of the Galaxy film. While she hasn’t gone quite that far in any of her subsequent appearances, her dedication is still intact, as she still gets a haircut to prepare for the role. Only these days, she has an arguably ingenious method of returning to her natural state after her filming obligations have completed, and it has everything to do with the hair.
As she recently shared on her Instagram story, Gillan detailed her outside-the-box technique of saving the hair she has cut off before a shoot, only to have it reattached as extensions once she’s ready to rejoin the world of mortals. “These extensions are my own hair, which was attached to me, then wasn’t attached to me — and now, it’s attached to me again,” she said in the story, adding that, “maybe it sounds quite weird, but it isn’t as weird as wearing somebody else’s hair.” Suddenly, Gillan’s recent foray into horror makes a bit more sense.

So basically, in other words, she detaches and then re-attaches a part of her own body in order to more properly accommodate whichever situation she happens to be in. Aside from the fact that this process is done by a stylist rather than by herself or a mechanic, this seems very much like something Gillan’s character Nebula would do. So whether the idea was intentional or simply a coincidence, Gillan has taken method acting into an entirely new dimension. Though, luckily, she doesn’t seem to be channeling Nebula’s more murderous tendencies.
Gillan, who recently finished shooting her latest appearance as Nebula in the upcoming sequel Thor: Love and Thunder, has always been a bit of an enthusiastic sort. Whether it be regarding her acting career or simply her own rather eccentric personal life, she never usually does things halfway. Long-time fans will remember her energetic performance as Amy Pond for several seasons of Doctor Who, and now recent years seem to indicate that’s the rule more than the exception.
It’s a bit more “quirky” than showing off her sinister Christmas sweater, but it’s still relatively on-brand. So, while those who frown on the unconventional may turn up their nose, there’s something to be said about the borderline cyberpunk style problem-solving Gillan demonstrates here.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is in development at Marvel Studios.
Source: Karen Gillan/Instagram, CinemaBlend

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