Loop Hero: Necromancer Guide | Game Rant

Loop Hero is an indie RPG that reflects the 16-bit pixelated days of yore with its hand-drawn aesthetic and simple gameplay. This story is about a group of evil Lich that has spiraled the entire world into chaos by locking everyone into a neverending time loop. Players will work with cards to strategically place enemies and other elements on the map for the hero to venture across. Loop Hero can offer almost endless potential regarding loot and digging up other hero classes such as the Necromancer.

Loop Hero is a melting pot of different genres. It’s part RPG, deck building, base defense, and even a puzzler in some ways. Players will be forging their own path as they fight through it while trying to strategically find loot and level up. There are various enemies to battle, as well as different classes to use. Of course, some of these classes are not easy to come by and this is especially true with the Necromancer. There is a specific way to unlock this character and there is a lot to learn by the way he functions.

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The Necromancer is unlocked after building a crypt. As soon as players have the Necromancer unlocked, they will find that he can equip; 1 amulet book, 2 rings, and a shield. Naturally, the Necromancer comes with summoning powers to where skeleton warriors can be conjured up. There are stats that come with the Necromancer as “Max Skeletons” and “Summon Quality.” The former is about the number of skeletons that can be summoned while the latter focuses on increasing the chance of getting higher-tier skeletons. The types of skeletons that are available are:

  • Basic Skeleton – This is a standard skeleton warrior that comes with low attack and HP.
  • Assassin Skeleton – These skeletons have high damage, but low HP.
  • Tank Skeleton – These are brutes that come with massive HP, but low damage.
  • Archer Skeletons – These can only be summoned after the max. number of melee skeletons are reached.

The “Skeleton Quality” focuses on increasing the HP of the warriors. This only works when there’s a multiple of 1. So, being at 2.99 is the same as being at 2. As far as the order of stat importance, go with; Skeleton Level > Max Skeleton > Skeleton Quality > Max Skeleton. The Necromancer’s skills go accordingly:

  • Art of Control – +1 to max. number of skeletons.
  • Edge of Impossible – 20% chance to summon 2 skeletons during the last summon.
  • Field Practice – + 0.25 to a skeleton’s level for a loop.
  • Preparation for a Ceremony – First two skeletons that are summoned in a day are strengthened.
  • Horde – 3 strengthened skeletons will assist the hero in every loop.
  • Residual Heat – Get +3 loop HP after a skeleton’s death.
  • Unseen Care – Permanent +0.5 bonus energy armor for every skeleton.
  • Counterattack – When a hero receives a direct attack, there’s a 15% chance of the skeletons doing a counter.
  • Laying Down One’s Life – A direct attack on the hero will split up damage between him and the skeletons.
  • Lightning Fast – Skeletons will have a 20% chance to do a 3-hit combo with each hit doing 50% damage.
  • Ambitions of the Dead – Skeletons will fully heal and will have a 10% increase in damage and HP after defeating an enemy.
  • Omicron’s Technique – This gives a +1 resurrection charge.

One Necromancer build that players can try out is the “Thick Necromancer” build. In order to do this, first players should look into building a forest in their base. Once this is established, an Ancestral Crypt should be built. Stack up as many thickets as possible to assist in the summoning speed of the skeletons. Then, focus on the skills of; Field Practice, Unseen Care, Residual Heat, and Laying Down One’s Life. If players look upon the Skeleton Level, that can build up to 4-5 summon slots and damage will be split up evenly with the “Laying Down One’s Life” skill that will give the entire party a tank-like feel.

Loop Hero is available exclusively on PC

MORE: Loop Hero: How to Beat Lich 


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