In today’s Monster Hunter Digital Event, Capcom released a new trailer for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin that also provided a release date for the title. This is the first time major details regarding the title have been announced since it was revealed back in September of last year.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the original Monster Hunter Stories, it was essentially a cross between Monster Hunter and Pokemon. Players were able to collect and train various monsters from the Monster Hunter series and use them in turn based battles against other monsters.
The new trailer shown for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin not only provides a release date of July 9, 2021, but also reveals a bevy of new information. The new information most fans will probably be most curious about is that of the new monsters added to the game.
The last trailer showcased Legiana and Anjanath, letting players know that monsters introduced in Monster Hunter World would be making an appearance. The new trailer confirmed that Pukei-Pukei, Kulu Ya-Ku, and Nergigante will also be appearing. Whether or not Nergigante will be available to the player as a “monstie” or whether it will only appear as an enemy, was not clear, however. Additionally, the updated website for the game also confirmed one more new monster from World: Paolumu. In terms of monsters not from World, Mizutsune was confirmed, which makes sense given its reappearance in Monster Hunter Rise.
Plot details were also announced. The player will have a Rathalos companion just like the first game, but this Rathalos is unique in that it has black wings. This Rathalos apparently has the ability to either destroy the world or save it and it’s up to the player and their companions to make sure it’s the latter. One such companion is Navirou, the felyne companion of the first game’s protagonist who reappears here.
Notably, a player was also shown using a bow in battle which means that one new weapon type, at the least, is being added into the game. The previous game’s protagonist could wield the great sword, sword and shield, hammer, or hunting horn. With only four weapons available out of the main series titles’ 14, fans understandably wanted to see more weapon types if there was ever a sequel. Now that there is, it looks like on at least some level, Capcom is attempting to meet that desire.
Capcom left one interesting new feature to reveal at the end of the trailer. There will apparently be some missions that players can undertake with a friend, as one player with a Tigrex and one with a Nargacuga were shown attacking a Mizutsune together. No details on the feature were given however.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin will be released on July 9, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.

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