One Piece: 10 Devil Fruit Abilities That Can Perfectly Counter Kaido

Known as the world’s “Strongest Creature”, Kaido of the Beasts is a powerful Zoan-type user who occupies Wano Country and is an Emperor of the New World. With his Mythical Zoan-Type Devil Fruit, the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seriyu, the Beast Pirates captain is undoubtedly one of the strongest pirates in all of One Piece.

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Though Kaido’s power has a vast reputation, it should be known that he’s been defeated and captured numerous times — 7 defeats and 18 captures, to be exact. As such, the New World Emperor is not immortal. Knowing that defeating him is entirely possible, it begs the question: how would one go about increasing that number of defeats, and what Devil Fruit abilities would be best for such a task?

10 Shibo Shibo no Mi

The Shibo Shibo no Mi lets the user wring out its victims and drain them of liquid, transferring the liquid into both the user and their weapon. Consumed by Charlotte Smoothie, this Devil Fruit’s ability can completely dry out living things, leaving them susceptible to dehydration-related injuries.

The benefit of this Devil Fruit’s abilities is that it can increase Smoothie’s size while she simultaneously damaging her opponent. While this was detrimental when using it on her ship due to potentially crushing it, fighting Kaido on land would grant her zero limitations with her growth. Since Kaido is so large, growing larger through her ability would be beneficial as a means to matching his physical power — plus, her growth would directly correlate to Kaido being weakened.

9 Peto Peto no Mi

An anime-exclusive Devil Fruit, Breed’s Peto Peto no Mi allows him to control any living thing by forcing a collar onto them, subsequently turning them into his pet. Breed can give his pets demands and take full control of their bodies, but not their consciousness.

Though victims can temporarily resist commands through willpower, Breed can heighten his own physical power by placing a collar on himself and commanding himself to be stronger. Doing so, in combination with capturing Kaido, would hopefully grant him the power to take control over the Zoan-type user.

8 Yami Yami no Mi

Every Devil Fruit user’s worst nightmare, Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) uses the Yami Yami no Mi’s darkness abilities to suck enemies into black holes. With victims trapped, Blackbeard can cause immense damage and nullify Devil Fruit user’s abilities, which is disastrous to those who rely on their abilities heavily.

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Between the two Emperors (who are both powerful characters in the recent One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 game), a fight would come down to Blackbeard’s ability abolishment. Though Kaido is a strong fighter regardless of his Devil Fruit, stacking up his flat combat skill against Blackbeard with two Devil Fruits would most likely result in a loss for Kaido.

7 Ato Ato no Mi

While an unconventionally powerful Devil Fruit, the Ato Ato no Mi thrives in its ability to leave victims ineffective while trapped. Its user, Giolla, can turn people into visually stunning works of art, forcing them to trade their lives for Giolla’s artwork.

Though Giolla herself can be physically overwhelmed easily, this Devil Fruit ability is not one to be underestimated. It would only take immobilizing or distracting Kaido long enough for Giolla’s ability to take effect to leave him vulnerable, and Giolla would only need to concentrate on remaining conscious to keep Kaido as an art piece.

6 Ope Ope no Mi

A popular Devil Fruit (used by a popular Devil Fruit user), the Ope Ope no Mi allows the user to create a “room” where they can manipulate the objects inside. Law can dismember limbs of enemies and rearrange them on different bodies, teleport himself and others, switch people’s souls, or expose organs while in the room.

Against Kaido, Law could prioritize dismemberment to weaken Kaido’s defenses. A particularly strategic move would be exposing Kaido’s heart and attacking it directly, since he wouldn’t be able to use his abilities to protect it (as shown when Law used this to kill Monet, another Devil Fruit user). So long as Law can maintain stamina and keep Kaido within his room, he should prove a worthy adversary for the Emperor.

5 Pika Pika no Mi

Admiral Kizaru and the Pika Pika no Mi are a deadly combination for any foe. With this Devil Fruit, Kizaru can turn into a Light Human, producing and controlling light at will. He utilizes this Devil Fruit’s properties to flash cross battlefields at rapid speed while simultaneously delivering catastrophic attacks.

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Although Kaido has size on his side, Kizaru’s speed would overwhelm the Emperor, as he would be able to land multiple hits before Kaido could land one. Not to mention, Kaido’s tremendous size would allow Kizaru more striking points, which could result in Kaido taking colossal damage in a short timespan from multiple angles.

4 Magu Magu no Mi

Perhaps one of the most powerful Logia-type Devil Fruits, the Magu Magu no Mi grants the user magma-based abilities, able to produce, control, and transform into it. Fleet Admiral Sakazuki displayed the power of this Devil Fruit at the Battle of Marineford, demonstrating just how overpowered this Devil Fruit’s abilities are.

The biggest selling point for this Devil Fruit is the fact that there have yet to be any glaring weaknesses shown. Of the various Logia elements, magma is one of the only ones that has yet to have a counter element revealed. What’s more, Sakazuki was able to take on Whitebeard and many of his men (including another Mythical Zoan user) with little difficulty, so it’s unlikely that Kaido would prove much more of a challenge.

3 Hobi Hobi no Mi

A battle between colossal and small, Sugar and her Hobi Hobi no Mi may be an unexpectedly worthy match-up for Kaido’s oversized Zoan form. While of course the physical power-level discrepancy is clear,  Sugar could potentially end a fight with Kaido with a single touch.

The Hobi Hobi no Mi allows her to turn anyone she touches into a toy, rendering them powerless and forgotten by others — the existence of anyone turned is forgotten by everyone they know. As such, Kaido’s size may actually be to his disadvantage here — the bigger he is, the more places for Sugar to touch.

2 Soru Soru no Mi

The Soru Soru no Mi, eaten by the head of the Charlotte Family herself, is a Devil Fruit that gives the user free control over human souls. With this, Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) can extract a person’s soul, shortening their lifespan, and can also fuse souls with objects to create humanized followers (which she calls Homies).

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While Big Mom and Kaido are currently allies, her abilities would prove a worthy match for her fellow Emperor. Equal in size and potentially power, her artillery of Homies and her ability to shorten lives could be deadly, and it would only take instilling fear in Kaido to allow her abilities to work — but given their history, perhaps she already knows how to achieve this.

1 Gura Gura no Mi

A Devil Fruit said to have the power to destroy the world, the Gura Gura no Mi turns the user into a Tremor Human with the ability to make shockwaves through any medium. While in Whitebeard’s possession, the Devil Fruit was regarded as being able to overwhelm entire islands. Now in Blackbeard’s hands, it proves all the more dangerous.

With the ability to make devastatingly large quakes out of nothing, Kaido’s tremendous size would grant several hit-boxes for this Devil Fruit’s attacks. Although a more conscious user like Whiteboard would be aware of its attack’s indiscriminate targeting, such an issue would not come to mind in a one-on-one fight — especially not to Blackbeard.

NEXT: One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 — 10 Best Warriors Spin-Off Games, Ranked


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