In Tales from the Borderlands the player controls two different characters. Fiona is an adventurous con artist who proves to be the complete opposite of Rhys in almost every way. She is accompanied by her equally street-smart sister, Sasha. Together, they get mixed up in a plot with gangsters and Hyperion employees to uncover the location of a Vault.
Throughout the course of five episodes the player learns a lot about Fiona. However, with a game that has so much branching dialogue it’s easy to miss certain details along the way. Luckily, Tales from the Borderlands is such an enjoyable experience that multiple playthroughs shouldn’t be much of a hassle.
10 She’s Wanted For “Quackery”

Fiona and Sasha are plucky criminals who scam people in order to make a living. Guided by their experienced mentor Felix, they participate in a variety of frauds and deceptions so that they can eke out an existence on Pandora. A list of some of Fiona’s crimes can be seen on her Wanted poster from the game’s announcement trailer.
Her crimes include fraud, grifting, and scamming among other “pernicious deceits.” Interestingly, one of her crimes includes “quackery,” an old term that often denoted a type of scam involving medicine. A “quack” is somebody who purports to have extensive medical knowledge, but is actually a con artist in disguise.
9 Quotes A Famous Line From Top Gun

The Borderlands franchise is filled to the brim with easter eggs and pop culture references. Although the gameplay in Tales from the Borderlands is very linear, there’s still plenty of callbacks to other media buried in the dialogue. One example is a line uttered by Fiona towards the end of “Zer0 Sum.”
As Vaughn and Fiona prepare for the death race the latter has the option to quote a famous line from Top Gun. She’ll exclaim, “I feel the need…..the need for speed!” This, of course, is an iconic line spoken in the film by Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards. Humorously, Vaughn will chime in and state his desire not to die.
8 Finch Can Have Different Injuries

Fiona possesses a unique pistol that can fire three different elemental bullets. Assuming she has the ammunition there are a couple characters in the game that she can try to shoot. In “Atlas Mugged” Fiona is actually required to fire her pistol at Finch in order to make her escape.
Depending on which element is chosen, Finch will suffer slightly different injuries from the shot’s impact. A corrosive bullet will melt some of the skin off his face. A shock bullet will break his glasses and electrocute him. Lastly, an incendiary bullet will light his precious hair on fire and burn it away.
7 Can Start A Relationship With Rhys

Romance isn’t exactly at the heart of Tales from the Borderlands‘s plot. Nevertheless, the player does have the option to encourage Rhys and Sasha into having a relationship. Interestingly, there were options initially to steer Rhys and Fiona into a romantic relationship, but they were ultimately cut from the game.
Only one dialogue option that reflects this idea remains in the final product. At the end of the last episode Rhys can express his feelings for “someone else,” implying that it’s Fiona. The matter is dropped, however, as the season ends shortly thereafter. Here’s hoping this idea is explored more fully if and when a second season is ever released.
6 She Can Lose Her Trademark Hat

Fiona’s hat is one of the aesthetic details of her character that makes her unique. Fiona, as well as other characters, will make various comments throughout the series about her fondness for the hat. But, based on the player’s actions at the end of “Atlas Mugged,” she can actually lose her trademark headgear.
If Rhys chooses to trust Fiona over Handsome Jack the lab’s defense mechanisms need to be overcome. This involves Fiona sacrificing her cherished hat in order to trick and destroy a pair of turrets. Fiona will remain without it for the rest of the series unless another outfit is purchased from a Quick Change station.
5 Returns Rhys’s Boot In One Of Two Ways

Rhys ultimately loses one of his shoes during the intro sequence to “Atlas Mugged.” Despite Fiona’s best efforts to hang on to him, the boot slips off of Rhys’s foot. It remains in her possession for the remainder of the episode unless certain decisions are made.
If Rhys decides to travel to Hollow Point first, then he will have the option to speak with Fiona. Inquiring about his missing shoe will allow Fiona to return it to him immediately. If the player forgets to talk to Fiona, or if Rhys decides to travel to Old Haven first, a different scene will play out. Fiona will toss the boot into Rhys’s lap during the intro to “Catch a Ride” instead.
4 Her Dialogue Can Affect Unlocking Zer0

In “The Vault of the Traveler” the player must assemble a team in order to rescue Gortys. The choices the player has made throughout the series dictates which characters are able to take part in the final showdown. Unlocking Zer0 requires the selection of a specific dialogue option in “Catch a Ride.”
During the battle with Brick and Mordecai, Fiona must identify herself as a fellow Vault hunter. Doing so will convince Zer0 to join the team in the final episode. If Fiona fails to describe herself as a Vault hunter, then Zer0 will be unconvinced and remain locked.
3 Can Score Some Extra Money From Scooter

Fiona and Sasha will eventually meet one of the franchise’s stalwarts, Scooter, in “Catch a Ride.” He needs to be convinced to repair their broken down trailer for free. One method is to allow Scooter to sponsor Fiona in future death races.
Fiona can either accept or decline his offer. If she accepts, there is an extra dialogue option that appears to “sweeten the deal.” Choosing that will net Fiona $1000 from the gullible mechanic. The cash can come in handy if the player decides to really upgrade the look of their ride in the following sequence.
2 She Can Get Shade Killed

Shade is a rather deranged character who first appeared in Borderlands 2. He makes a cameo appearance in the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands as the proprietor of the World of Curiosities. A decision that Fiona can make midway through “Zer0 Sum” will have an impact on Shade’s fate.
Shade will surprise Fiona as she makes her way through an air vent. Telling him to go away will not only hurt his feelings, but will also end his life. During the subsequent shootout, Shade will get caught in the crossfire and die. Alternatively, allowing Shade to tag along with Fiona in the air vent will allow him to live.
1 Scanning Her Reveals Some Personal Details

Rhys has the ability to make use of a device known as an ECHO-EYE. It allows him to scan certain objects and individuals throughout the environment. Doing so often reveals some humorous facts or details about the person in question.
The option to scan Fiona is presented on multiple occasions throughout the game. For example, the player can confirm that Fiona is 29 years old and that her hometown is Hollow Point. It will also show what objects she has in her inventory, like her concealed pistol or the severed eye of General Pollux.

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