Since the earliest days of gaming, cheating has been a factor causing frustration for players. With consoles like PlayStation 5 expanding the medium every year, the influx of those using unsavory means to improve performance goes up. Now Denuvo Anti-Cheat has arrived for the PlayStation 5 Tools and Middleware program bringing the protective mechanism to consoles.
Cheaters on Sony’s newest console are going to have a harder time because Irdeto’s Anti-Cheat software is already here. Denuvo technology can detect online multiplayer cheats such as aimbotting or even wallhacks in recent titles like Valorant. Now that Denuvo Anti-Cheat is compatible with PS5, developers should be able to combat cheaters more easily.
The creator confirms in an official release that the technology can bring an end to cheating. Any publishers or developers with games on PS5 can make use of the program to manage this problem. According to Irdeto, around 70% of game sales occur within the early weeks of game’s launch. Therefore, the Anti-Cheat software can help protect the developer’s investment by preventing players from dropping the game. It is no surprise that online experiences dominated by cheaters is a surefire way to lose a dedicated community.

One benefit of Denuvo Irdeto mentions is how it covers various aspects of a multiplayer title. While it is known for shielding online gameplay from cheaters, it can also be used to protect offline reward progress. In the press release, it sounds like the technology is already in some of PlayStation 5’s launch games. Granted, which of these games have Denuvo Anti-Cheat is still unclear. But it does support Irdeto’s claim that the program has no negative effects on performance.
For the most part, players overall are going to be against cheating in online games. In recent years, multiplayer shooters have added competitive modes, such as League Play in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War. These systems work to place gamers against those of equal skill, but cheating ruins that completely. When wallhacks and aimbots appear consistently, it makes it near impossible to balance a ranking system. Most will take little issue with the technology being on PS5 as long as it remains unnoticed.
Unfortunately, part of the controversy behind Denuvo Anti-Cheat is for performance reasons. The frustration felt by the community when it comes to this program has even led to major backlash against some developers. The team behind Doom Eternal, id Software, added but then later removed the program for this reason exactly. That said, it remains to be seen if the program helps online games for PS5 and if it actually damages the experience.
Source: IGN

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