AMD May Start Producing GPUs Specifically for Cryptomining, Similar to Nvidia

The current issue of not being able to get hold of a new GPU is still raging on, causing frustration amongst PC gamers and those looking to upgrade their systems. One of the main issues seems to be down to miners swiping all the stock to mine for cryptocurrency. Recently, it was announced that Nvidia would be launching a range of graphics cards specifically for cryptomining in the hope of stemming the short supplies, and now it looks as though AMD may be about to do the same thing.

Not long after announcing its new RX 6700 XT card earlier this month, AMD could soon be taking a leaf from Nvidia’s book by offering a range of hardware that’s designed exclusively for miners. Some recent patch notes indicate that a new GPU without video outputs could be a possibility at some point. Although the notes refer to the Navi 12 chipset (used in the RX 5000 series) from a couple of years ago, which could suggest a repurposing of old hardware.

RELATED: AMD RX 6700 XT Graphics Card Price, Release Date, Specs, and More

This would make them different to the Nvidia range which would be brand-new tech rather than a rebranding of old stock. It seems as though both companies are looking at tackling the situation from different angles. Nvidia may also be releasing future GPUs with mining limitations as standard. If AMD is looking to get a slice of the action, this may be something else to look into.

The release of both the Nvidia and AMD cryptomining GPUs could hopefully plug in a hole in the market, stopping miners from buying up stocks of regular GPUs and leaving none for other customers. Despite the chaos this has caused, Nvidia’s CFO is adamant that cryptomining is not the reason for the shortages. However, some may speculate that if that is the case, why would both tech companies be looking to release mining hardware?

Of course, this is only speculation at this stage. However, with the GPU shortages expected to go on until 2022, it’s understandable that AMD and Nvidia would be looking into solutions to hopefully stop this from happening again in the future. Both seem to be happy to unveil new products that are going to be hitting the market, but it all seems fruitless while no one can get hold of any of it. If AMD does go down the route of making graphics cards for mining, it would likely be a good move which would see the company remain head-to-head with its biggest competitor.

MORE: Comparing the AMD RX 6700 XT to the Nvidia RTX 3070

Source: Gamespot, Free Desktop


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