In Rust, a player’s base location will often determine how well a wipe will play out. Gamers that choose an adequate location can survive through the entire wipe. However, failing to choose an advantageous location can result in a quick demise. Choosing the right location is not easy, and the best places to set up a base on a server depend on a multitude of factors.
Rust’s influx of new gamers will have better luck in a more secluded location that is further from each map’s central monuments. Experienced and PVP players will want to be as close to a monument as possible, with plentiful resources in the immediate vicinity. This article will outline ten of the best places to set up camp regardless of skill level and playstyle.
10 Water Treatment

As one of the biggest monuments on every server, Water Treatment will provide players with all the materials and scrap they need to craft weapons and build a base. The monuments are not for the faint of heart, however. In high population servers, players will be near monuments all the time. Water Treatment is a great location to build a base for players experienced in PVP. Gamers will have to fend off other survivors, but will be rewarded as a result.
9 Base Of A Hill

Every Rust map has a different topography, and there are a number of suitable locations for beginners and intermediate players alike. One of the most important things players need to consider when building a base is resources and survivability. The most advantageous positions on the map are often at the base of a mountain near wooded areas. Gamers can harvest wood, as well as stone in these areas. Inexperienced players should try to find a flat area, as any sort of gradient can make building difficult.
8 Opposite Spawn Beach

The undisputed worst place to build a base on Rust is on spawn beach. Gamers that have just spawned in need to get well away from the chaos near spawn to have a good wipe. Seasoned Rust players will take a look at their map after spawning and move several squares away before beginning their survival attempt. Spawn beach is constantly teeming with warring survivors, and there are often players with high-level weapons that patrol the area to take out new survivors.
7 Train Yard

Like Water Treatment, Train Yard is one of the best monuments for players that want to progress quickly. Gamers can find everything they need to craft weapons and build. Obviously, gamers should not build in the Train Station. Instead, Rust players need to build within walking distance of the monument. All of the monuments have far too many players perusing the areas to be viable base locations.
6 Dome

Both Dome and Water Treatment are the only monuments that do not require a key card to access. Because they do not require a key card, players can access them early in the wipe. Ideally, players will be able to find a place to set up camp within walking distance of two or more monuments. Each monument will have sufficient items to keep players alive, but Dome is convenient for players that have not yet gathered materials and crafted top-tier weapons.
5 Bandit Camp And Outpost

Rust players will need to have a recycling center within a few squares to create the materials needed for quality builds. Bandit Camp and Outpost both have recycling centers and are safe zones for players. Rust gamers that are killed within the confines of these two locations cannot be looted by other players on the server. Setting up a beginner base near these areas is ideal, especially if one of them is near a monument.
4 Inlets and Secluded Coastal Areas

The coastline in Rust will most likely provide everything gamers need at the start of a wipe. There are often mountains and forests just a few steps away. As mentioned, survivors should get as far away from the coastal spawn area as possible. Gamers should look for a secluded inlet or bay to set up a base near. Being near the coast provides players access to the ocean, which is littered with scrap boxes. Animals will also roam areas near the water, and players will need animal fat for fuel early in the game.
3 Launch Site

Launch Site is one of the best loot locations to build a base near. With 74 potential crate spawns, gamers will be able to progress quickly near the site. However, Launch Site is a notorious hot spot as a result. Experienced Rust players will fare well in the area, but beginners will not.
2 Near A Cave System

On every Rust server, there are a series of cave systems that span the map. These caves will have rare and essential loot. However, on populous servers, gamers will build bases within the systems. Coming across an opposing player’s base in a cave is an unfortunate occurrence that rarely ends well. Despite the negatives, survivors should consider building a base close enough to sneak a peek in the caves, as they will provide loot scarcely found in other parts of the map. While caves are risky, they are much safer than the main monuments.
1 Rock Formations

One of the most effective places to hide a base is in-between a rock formation. Although it can be tricky to build in more confined spaces, gamers will not have to stress about their base while offline. A carefully planned build can be almost completely concealed between large rocks in deserted areas on the map. The rocks will also provide an added layer of protection from explosive damage, making the fort a hassle to destroy.
NEXT: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Rust

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