Valheim is one of the fastest-growing games online and it isn’t difficult to see why. The concurrent player count for the game is rising each day as countless players learn the joys of surviving in Viking purgatory. The game isn’t just a walk in the park — it presents unique challenges for players to take on.
The Swamp is a dangerous biome for players to explore through and it contains one of the strongest bosses in the game. With tons of poisonous enemies around players need to go in prepared so they don’t end up dead amongst the oozes that live there.
3 Exploring The Swamp

The swamp has plenty of enemies but it’s absolutely worth going through if only to get one thing — a Wishbone. It gives players the ability to find hidden veins of silver ore underground which is incredibly useful. Still, it’s quite treacherous, and Viking explorers must be on their guard to survive.
There are a few ways that players can have an edge against the Swamp if they come prepared.
- Bring a Hoe. It may seem silly, but this can allow players to create safe paths through the entire biome. It’s an amazing way to avoid Leaches and the large amounts of damage they can deal.
- Having Poison Resist Mead is vital when adventuring here. It takes 10 honey, 10 coal, 5 thistle, and 1 neck tail to be able to make a Poison Resist Mead Base. Each base produces six portions of mead, so plan wisely.
- Tower Shields make fighting skeleton archers far easier, be sure to bring one along. A bronze mace can also kill poisonous blobs in a single hit making it invaluable as a weapon here
- Consider purely using stealth to avoid all of the enemies and just head straight to the Sunken Crypt. With the iron that is contained there, it’s easy to create iron armor which makes the rest of the time in the Swamps far easier.
2 Exploring The Sunken Crypt

Once players get the Swamp Key so they can enter it, they will find the Sunken Crypt is a whole new challenge in an already difficult biome. There are some simple tricks to be able to make adventuring through it a bit easier so players don’t find themselves dying repeatedly.
- Don’t remove all of the muddy scrap piles right away. If players leave a small hole in them halfway through, it’s possible to safely snipe enemies through it making battles far easier for anyone good with a bow and arrow.
- Blobs and Draugr are weak to fire damage so bringing along a lot of Fire Arrows will make things even easier.
1 Taking On Bonemass

Bonemass is by far considered the most difficult boss in the entire game. It can flood the air with a poison miasma that can utterly destroy players in their tracks and can also summon Skeletons, Blobs, and Oozers to make the fight that much more difficult. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can help players defeat the boss.
As he is resistant to any damage that isn’t blunt damage, players should make sure they use a weapon like a club or Stagbreaker during the fight. It is also vital that players have plenty of poison resistance mead before going into the fight or they are bound to lose. Make sure to have a fermenter running and ready to make some before exploring the Swamps.

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