Despite Neil Druckmann publicly announcing there were no plans for The Last of Us 2 DLC several months ago, rumors have surfaced that may suggest otherwise. Supposedly, the Naughty Dog release schedule was leaked, giving fans hope that a DLC, as well as the standalone Factions multiplayer section, could be on the way.
If true, the leak revealed that Naughty Dog is working on a DLC for The Last of Us 2 starring Abby. It’s no secret that Abby was the most divisive character in the game and that, despite Laura Bailey’s award-winning performance, a lot of fans wish she didn’t exist at all. Many players expressed not liking having to play as Abby for the second half of the game instead of Ellie, but there’s a lot more to Abby that just being Joel’s killer. With that in mind, an Abby DLC is definitely a risky move.
However, despite vocal players making it known that they didn’t like the direction the game went in, The Last of Us 2 was the fastest-selling PlayStation exclusive of all time, moving 2.8 million units in its first month. It also broke records for awards, becoming the most-awarded game ever. Previously, that record was held by The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Naughty Dog has stood by its decision to make Abby a prominent playable character in the game, going so far as to make a whole trailer for Abby’s story after the release. Some players couldn’t stand it, but others enjoyed the unique way it challenged character bias. An Abby DLC would make quite the statement, and while Naughty Dog would undoubtedly get some pushback from unhappy fans, if The Last of Us 2’s overall success is any indication, the DLC would be a hit. And based on the story Naughty Dog told, an Abby DLC would make perfect sense.

Whether it’s true or not, the leak regarding a DLC for The Last of Us 2 was surprisingly detailed (which is usually a bad sign). According to supposed leaker, the DLC is called “Dark Sides” and is planned to release in early 2022. Assuming Naughty Dog began development on the DLC after Neil Druckmann’s statement, this timeline makes a lot of sense, and given the nature of development with COVID 19, it’s doubly so.
“Dark Sides” would supposedly add a new chapter to Abby’s story set before the final chapter of the game. In this chapter, she discovers something about her past that pushes her towards a new goal. “Dark Sides” is also suggested to play a part in implementing a multiplayer standalone for The Last of Us 2.
The timeline makes sense, but the leaked premise is a little harder to believe. The final chapter of The Last of Us 2 took place in Santa Barbara after Abby and Lev were kidnapped by a cruel faction called the Rattlers. Ellie found Abby and Lev strung up on posts near the beach as punishment for trying to escape, and both of them were near death. After the final showdown, Abby and a barely conscious Lev set sail and their fate remains unknown. There’s not a whole lot of space for a DLC within those plot points. Abby and Lev were prisoners of the Rattlers for who knows how long, and players know from exploring the camp that not much would have happened in that time frame worth playing out.
Being set before the final chapter could mean it takes place in Santa Barbara before being captured, and that would be fine, but it’s not really what players have been asking to see. The obvious place for a DLC would be after the game as Abby and Lev make their way to what remains of the Fireflies. Players want to know what happened to them and it would be the perfect way to set up Abby’s role, assuming she has one, in The Last of Us 3.

While the leaked plot for the “Dark Sides” DLC feels a little off, an Abby DLC is definitely something Naughty Dog should consider. There’s a lot of potential for an Abby DLC. Some fans feel like Abby has served her purpose in the franchise and has no business coming back, but she was a major character in The Last of Us 2 and it would be too dismissive to forget about her so quickly.
Because of the way The Last of Us 2 was set up, Abby’s story is always compared with Ellie’s. There’s nothing wrong with that, considering how Ellie is the protagonist and the character fans already had a relationship with. A DLC, however, could give Abby the chance to be a true protagonist and carry the story on her own. Abby is so much more than a tool to facilitate Ellie’s character arc, and a DLC that shines the spotlight on her would put some distance between her and Ellie.
If The Last of Us 3 is in the works and Naughty Dog plans to bring back Abby, a DLC would also be a great way to set that up. Whether the DLC is set before the final chapter as the leak suggested or set after she and Lev set sail (or even a little bit of both), having an Abby DLC would be a way for Naughty Dog to flesh out her character even more in preparation for the next game.

The other reason an Abby DLC is a great idea doesn’t have anything to do with Abby at all. Lev, a young ex-Seraphite, has enormous potential to be the main character in future The Last of Us spinoffs. Many new characters were introduced in The Last of Us 2, but Lev stood out as a truly unique character.
Not only is Lev a transgender character, but he also has a very different backstory from any other characters in the franchise. Growing up in the Seraphite cult gave him a unique set of values that contrasts with his personal battles, but he clings to his faith even after the community fails to accept him.
Lev experienced tremendous losses as well, which at this point is basically a requirement to be a lead character in The Last of Us. He lost his community, his sister Yara, and his mother in a very short period of time. Lev is adopted by Abby and they leave Seattle together, but Lev still has a lot of growing to do as he continues to experience the world beyond the cult’s island. Case in point: its brutality. Lev was imprisoned by the Rattlers with Abby and sailed away with her. While exploring a house in Santa Barbara, it was also clear they’d become very close and comfortable with one another. An Abby DLC set before or after the final chapter of the game would have to include Lev and develop his character further, which could be a great thing for the future of the franchise.
There’s not a lot of evidence to support the leak suggesting an Abby DLC is on the horizon, but it’s a good idea that would have major implications for The Last of Us 3. “Dark Sides” may not be a real thing, but if it’s not, Naughty Dog might want to reconsider not making a DLC for The Last of Us 2.
The Last of Us 2 is available now on PS4.

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