To say that LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has a had a rough go at things would be an understatement. The game has suffered a handful of delays, much like other games that were supposed to come out in 2020. On top of this, the spring release window that has been set for the game for quite some time now is fast approaching, and there are no signs of a definitive release date for Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. If the game really is going to release in the next couple of months, it’s going to have to make up for lost time, and this will likely require an aggressive marketing campaign.
It’s clear that the main focus of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is going to be on the nine main films of the franchise, but much of the fanbase is split on its opinions towards certain eras. If there’s one thing that a large portion of Star Wars fans can agree on however, it’s that The Mandalorian series has provided some of the best Star Wars content since the original film released in 1977. Although it may contradict with the game’s central theme, leveraging the popularity of the series would likely give The Skywalker Saga a huge boost in anticipation leading up to the release.

If The Mandalorian has demonstrated anything, it’s that cuteness sells. This was apparent from the show’s first episode, when the world was introduced to and collectively fell in love with Baby Yoda (or Grogu). The pint-sized alien took the internet by storm, even drawing in people that had never seen a Star Wars movie before. Baby Yoda has become the face of the franchise ever since, ushering in hundreds of different products that capitalize on the creature’s cuteness.
If LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is going to draw in as many players as possible, taking advantage of Baby Yoda’s popularity is a must. One of the more obvious ways that this could be accomplished would be through a trailer that focuses on the little green guy. It’s been established that Baby Yoda trained at the Jedi Temple, so a trailer could see him interacting with other Jedi such as Obi-Wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker. Even if it’s at the expense of the canon, seeing Baby Yoda go through every era of Star Wars and interact with characters such as Darth Vader or Rey could build up a lot of hype for the game.

Baby Yoda may be a big part of what has made The Mandalorian so wildly popular, but the heart of the series lies with its titular character. If Baby Yoda played on viewers’ weakness to adorable alien infants, then Mando has played on viewers’ weakness to a reluctant father figure. Half of the charm of the show stems from how much the bounty hunter cares for Grogu. It also helps that Pedro Pascal has given immense depth to the character with his performance, cementing Mando in the hearts of many Star Wars fans.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga would be remiss if it were to not use Din Djarin in any of its marketing. If tampering with the canon is any concern, The Mandalorian has already featured characters from all kinds of Star Wars eras, so any trailers or supplemental ads for the game could focus on those moments. If the game is looking to appeal to prequel fans, advertisements could show Mando with Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars and Rebels. By the same note, if more of a focus on the original trilogy is needed, a trailer could show Mando in action with Boba Fett.

It’s already been revealed that LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is going to include six DLC character packs that will be automatically available to those who purchase the deluxe edition of the game. Although it hasn’t been officially revealed what those character packs will specifically entail, it’s likely that they’ll cover The Mandalorian. This character pack would probably feature Mando, Baby Yoda, and any other assortment of characters from the show. If the game is going to really succeed, however, it should double down on any potential Mandalorian DLC and show it off pre-launch.
Other Star Wars creations like Rogue One and Rebels may have their dedicated fanbases, but none are as massively popular as The Mandalorian. If the game’s developer and marketing team really want to bring in some cash, making the very first character pack focused on the series would likely entice a lot of people towards getting the deluxe edition of the game. If players know that soon after the release they’re going to get their hands on a playable Baby Yoda, made even cuter in LEGO form, they’ll likely rush to pre-order it as soon as possible.
The nature of The Mandalorian being an ongoing series means that there’s nearly unlimited potential for DLC content as the show comes out with new seasons. If Traveler’s Tales really wanted to maximize the amount of money that The Skywalker Saga makes, it could make an additional DLC pack based on the second season of the show that releases either in the middle or close to the end of the six character packs. This would ensure that fans of the show still have something to look forward to after the first pack comes out. It could even lengthen the life cycle of the game, as the release of a secondary Mandalorian DLC could grab the attention of gamers that may have missed the first one.
The LEGO Star Wars games have always celebrated what makes Star Wars such a world-renowned franchise. Putting a heavy focus on The Mandalorian would not only bring in a lot of cash for Traveller’s Tales, but it would also let the newest addition to the Star Wars galaxy shine through like it deserves. Now that winter is coming to a close and the spring release window is fast approaching, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will likely be heading into its marketing period very soon. Time will tell if the team behind the game puts its trust into what is likely the future of the franchise.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga releases in spring 2021 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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