Rust: 10 Mistakes New Players Make (& How To Avoid Them)

Rust has become one of the most popular games in early 2021. Top streamers and content creators have helped to make Rust a well known survival game in the gaming community. In the first two months of 2021, Rust achieved its highest concurrent player base thus far. Increasing notoriety has resulted in an flood of inexperienced players in Rust servers.

RELATED: Rust’s Skyrocketing Popularity Explained

Beginner players will certainly make ill advised decisions in their first few play sessions. Gamers new to Rust should make sure to avoid making the common mistakes outlined below.

10 Choosing The Wrong Server

One of the most common beginner mistakes is made by players before they even play the game. New players will likely not have a good experience in servers with more than 50 people. Choosing a smaller server is the best way to learn the game without having to compete with experienced survivors. Community or moderated servers are the best servers for new and returning players.

9 Joining A Server Without PVP Experience

Training servers are available to all players, and beginners should learn the basic mechanics of the game before beginning their Rust experience. PVP in Rust is unique, and beginners should have at least some practice before spending hours surviving. Gamers with no PVP experience will be raided and killed, erasing progress made on the server.

8 Building Prematurely

One of the most frustrating ways to die in Rust is while building shelter. Beginners have no idea what materials are needed and useful in Rust. New players should get experience in a creative server to understand what items they need and how much of each item is essential. It is equally important to practice constructing shelter quickly, as other players will attack beginners constructing their first wooden hut.

7 Getting Door Camped

Players new to Rust are commonly door camped by other members of the server. Novice gamers will open their door just to be greeted  by a mysterious person with a spear. There are a few ways to to prevent door campers from entering a structure. One way is to block each door with another, called door blocking airlocks. Other players on the server will not be able to enter and exit a players building. Instead, they will have to fight or will get trapped while trying to exit the building. Additionally, players can light a fire to see if there is anyone waiting outside of a door. If the comfort level exceeds 50%, there is someone near.

6 Building In The Wrong Location

Every Rust server has a randomly generated map that is different from every other. Thus, it can be hard for new players to find a good place to build. Beginners need to make sure they are close to trees, hills/mountains, and roads. Trees will provide wood and metal as well as other materials can be found near hills and mountains. New players will often set up camp too far from resources, which will lead to their demise.

5 Over Farming Without A Base

One of the notorious beginner mistakes is over looting without safe storage. Rust players should always build a small hut before filling up their inventory. Even a 1×1 hut would be sufficient to store and protect materials. Far too many gamers will lose all of their materials without building a storage facility.

4 Having Only One Sleeping Bag

Players often do not have enough sleeping bags placed throughout the map. Gamers that die without an extra sleeping bag will have to deal with long respawn times. The more bags players have placed around the map, the quicker they will be able to respawn. Nothing is more irritating than having to wait minutes to spawn miles away from where all the important materials are.

3 Barbecue Storage Method

Few players take advantage of the storage space in barbecues. Not only do they take up less space than most other options, they have two times the storage of small boxes. Novices will use small storage containers instead, and have far less space for their items. Storage is an extremely important aspect of Rust gameplay, and new players should be using the barbecues to protect their hard earned items.

2 Tunnel Vision

Visual awareness is one of the most important things new players struggle with. There is a learning curve to becoming a skilled survivalist, and beginners that learn to keep their head on a swivel will survive longer. By pressing ALT, players can swivel their camera without changing directions. The free look camera will help beginners spot enemy players and animals before it is too late. Rust gamers can have a 360 degree field of view while farming items and traversing the map.

1 Farming Scrap Inland

After just spawning in, many gamers will try to get essential scrap far inland. However, there are a lot of metal barrels near the shore that can be broken down. Additionally, there are small islands and floating loot that surround the islands. Novice players should look for scrap near the shoreline and in the ocean to avoid encountering opposing players. If players can find a mask, they can look underwater as well. Gamers should get a boat to streamline the process.

NEXT: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Rust


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