Life in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is undoubtedly tough, not to mention short. Finding love may seem like a fruitless endeavor. For an archer, keeping one’s distance is the key to survival. But in matters of the heart, getting close to someone is surprisingly easy.
Nords take great pride in their martial abilities, archery included. It’s no surprise that most of the eligible wives on this list are Nords. Skill with a bow can be just as impressive as skill with a battleaxe or greatsword, and residents of Skyrim know that. For a pure archer, striking these ladies with Cupid’s arrow will yield a match made in Sovngarde.
5 Temba Wide-Arm, The Bane Of Bears

Temba Wide-Arm is a Nord lumberjack with a grudge. Her anger is directed toward one of Skyrim’s furry monstrosities, bears. Temba is all too eager to tell the player how bears have ruined her lumber business. The Dragonborn is just the person she has been looking for to help cut down the bear population.
The key to Temba Wide-Arm’s heart involves delivering ten bear pelts to her. Bears don’t necessarily have to be hunted for the pelts, but that’s the general idea as far as she’s concerned. Archery and hunting often go hand-in-hand with each other. Finding and eradicating ten bears shouldn’t be too much trouble for a pure archer. It may not be the most animal-friendly activity the player can partake in, but doing so unlocks Temba as a marriage candidate. Her tune changes immediately and she’s only too happy to sing the praises of such an exceptional hunter.
4 Uthgerd, The Unbroken Warrior

Uthgerd the Unbroken is quite the honorable warrior despite her checkered past. She was summarily drummed out of the Companions for accidentally beating to death a fellow member. It was an incident that still haunts her guilty conscience. Nevertheless, Uthgerd is still a formidable fighter as well as brawler.
Raising Uthgerd’s disposition towards the player requires beating her in a friendly fistfight. Since pure archers don’t focus on melee combat and are typically lightly armored, the fight may prove a bit difficult. Uthgerd is decked out in a full set of steel-plated armor and can pack quite a punch. It may require some fancy footwork on the Dragonborn’s part to actually wear her down. Winning the contest earns Uthgerd’s respect and unlocks her potential as a wife. An honorable, tank warrior fighting alongside a nimble archer is a match that goes quite well together.
3 Jenassa, The Dunmer Ranger

Jenassa is a Dark Elf mercenary operating out of the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun. She’s a rather intense individual, making no secret about the joy she experiences when smiting her enemies. Her combat classification is that of a ranger, meaning she favors bows and light armor, very similar to a pure archer.
Thus, it’s not that much of a stretch to say that Jenassa and a pure archer Dragonborn have a lot in common. Potentially, at least. It is, of course, entirely up to the player to decide how to role-play their character. Marrying Jenassa is a very simple matter. The player need only pay for her services once to make her eligible for marriage. The hiring cost, like other mercenaries, is 500 gold.
2 Mjoll, The Lioness Of Riften

Adventuring lay at the heart of any Elder Scrolls experience. It’s the whole point of the series. As such, the Dragonborn isn’t the only one who enjoys a bit of dungeon-delving. Mjoll the Lioness, a resident of Riften, shares the same passion for adventuring as the player character. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim the only other person who has done as much exploring as the Dragonborn is arguably Mjoll.
Getting into her good graces isn’t all that simple. The player needs to recover her sword, Grimsever, from a dangerous Dwemer ruin. The location itself, Mzinchaleft, takes quite a bit of time to get through, so preparation is important. Returning the sword to her makes Mjoll a candidate for marriage. Two explorers with a love for adventure should make a great pair. With Mjoll’s melee prowess and the Dragonborn’s bow, few enemies will be able to stand a chance against them. Don’t mind Mjoll’s buddy Aerin. He’s just a third wheel at this point.
1 Aela, The Companion Huntress

Other than the player, of course, Aela the Huntress is perhaps the best archer in Skyrim. Why shouldn’t the two best dead-eyes in the business get together? Don’t let Aela’s unapologetic lycanthropy be a mark against her, either. The player can become a werewolf too midway through the Companions questline.
Aela the Huntress is undoubtedly the most compatible match for a pure archer. However, getting her to marry the Dragonborn takes some time. “Glory of the Dead,” the finale to the Companions questline, needs to be completed first. It’s worth it though when one thinks about it. Two werewolf archers who both happen to be in the Companions? That kind of chemistry doesn’t happen every day.

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