Skyrim: The 10 Best Alchemy Ingredients To Always Keep On Hand

Skyrim players who love alchemy know the value of stocking up on ingredients. A Dragonborn who dreams of becoming a potion whiz will collect every flower, mushroom, and berry in their path. Rare ingredients may be fun, but even common reagents can be surprisingly powerful, allowing players to create large batches of life-saving potions and devastating poisons.

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For Skyrim’s burgeoning alchemists, some ingredients are always useful to have in one’s toolkit, ready to be made into mixtures that can mean the difference between life and death. These ten reagents all have highly useful effects, allowing the player to use them in multiple mixtures that all provide valuable buffs.

10 Blue Mountain Flower

Don’t overlook this little wildflower just because it’s everywhere. With both Restore and Fortify Health effects, Blue Mountain Flowers can be used to make potions that bring the Dragonborn back from the brink of death. They grow all over Skyrim’s wilderness, and it’s worth picking every one from Solitude to Falkreath.

For mages, this ingredient can also fortify Conjuration, increasing the duration and power of summoned creatures and items. Meanwhile, when fighting powerful spellcasters, its Damage Magicka Regen effect can provide players with an offensive advantage.

9 Deathbell

Not all Damage Health reagents are created equal—some are more toxic than others. Among the most common ingredients with this effect, poisons made with Deathbell tend to pack a slightly bigger punch. With Ravage Stamina, Slow, and Weakness to Poison alongside the Damage Health effect, this beautiful blossom lives up to its name.

These flowers are common throughout Skyrim, especially in Hjaalmarch and The Pale. It’s a perfect ingredient for alchemists to start experimenting with poisons, finding the right combination of effects to cripple their enemies.

8 Snowberries

Found in Skyrim’s snowiest regions, these humble berries can be made into potions of Resist Fire, Frost, and Shock. This resistance to elemental damage is highly valuable when players face powerful mages, like Dragon Priests or Forsworn Briarhearts.

Snowberries also have a Fortify Enchanting effect, increasing the power (and therefore value) of magical effects that the player applies to items. Whether the player plans to sell their enchanted creations or use them to their own advantage, this boost in power is worth collecting Snowberries.

7 Imp Stool

With both beneficial and deadly effects, Imp Stool is one of Skyrim’s most versatile species of fungus. Combine them with Blue Mountain Flowers to restore health, or with Deathbell and Canis Root to damage health and paralyze enemies.

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Look for these squat little mushrooms in damp caves, and collect as many as possible. With a little practice, players can use them to create some of the most effective potions in the game. Its Lingering Damage Health effect is particularly useful in difficult battles, especially when combined with Paralysis.

6 Luna Moth Wing

Chasing butterflies in Skyrim is worth an alchemist’s time, especially at night. Luna Moth Wings are especially handy for stealthy characters. They can both fortify Light Armor and create invisibility potions, raising defenses and making sneaking a cinch.

Players can also use this reagent for a Damage Magicka poison, handy when fighting magic users. Even more useful, though, is the Regenerate Health effect. The ability to quickly regain lost HP is vital in any fight, and Luna Moth Wings give the Dragonborn this boost.

5 Garlic

Like Luna Moth Wings, Garlic can be used to regenerate health; however, this ingredient does double duty, as it has the same effect on magicka. Players can also use it for Fortify Stamina potions, to get in a few extra power attacks. Additionally, its Resist Poison effect makes it useful for fighting Falmer and Chaurus.

A handy ingredient for several play styles, Garlic is also easy to find. Most homes in Skyrim have garlic braids hanging in the kitchen, which regenerate over time after the player harvests from them.

4 Charred Skeever Hide

Nobody in their right mind would think that consuming burnt rodent skin would provide health benefits—but hey, this is a fantasy world. Charred Skeever Hides can restore both health and stamina, as well as a Resist Poison effect.

Additionally, players can use this ingredient in Potions of Cure Disease. From skill-lowering ailments like Rockjoint to the magicka-draining Witbane, diseases can be seriously debilitating. Thus, it’s always helpful to have a few remedies on hand, and Charred Skeever Hides are an easy way to ensure that.

3 Dwarven Oil

Though it requires some legwork to track down, this ingredient is one of the most useful for mages. Dwarven Oil’s effects include both Restore and Regenerate Magicka, ensuring that the user doesn’t run low on spellcasting power in tough fights.

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Its Fortify Illusion effect is also handy for these players, as are the Weakness to Magic poisons it can be used to make. These effects make it worth players’ time to find and collect every jar of Dwarven Oil from Dwemer ruins.

2 Canis Root

Excellent for both beneficial and deadly mixtures, Canis Root is a necessity in every alchemist’s satchel. With Fortify Marksman and One-Handed, warriors can enhance their weapon prowess; meanwhile, with its Damage Stamina and Paralysis effects, they can coat those weapons in devastating poison.

Canis Root is common in The Rift and Hjaalmarch wilderness, though it can be tricky to spot against the rocky terrain. With practice, though, players will easily learn to recognize the twisted little tree that holds this ingredient.

1 Vampire Dust

Since it can be looted from any dead vampire, this ingredient is more common than some might think. Furthermore, its effects are invaluable to almost any player: Invisibility, Restore Magicka, Regenerate Health, and Cure Disease.

Vampire Dust combines beautifully with a Luna Moth Wing, turning players invisible while regenerating their health. Mages find it a useful way to avoid running low on magicka. Contracting Sanguinaire Vampiris is always a risk when gathering this ingredient—but its Cure Disease effect takes care of that quickly.

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