10 Most Powerful Enemies In Fallout New Vegas | Game Rant

The world of Fallout: New Vegas is a dangerous and unforgiving one. There are many enemies that wish to eviscerate, melt, beat, and overall kill players.

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From chem-addicted raiders wielding chainsaws, golf clubs, and flamethrowers to coyote-rattlesnake hybrids that have the ability to turn invisible, the variety of foes that players will face is widespread. Unless players are cautious, they could end up on the business end of a claw or gun barrel. Some opponents may not pose that much of a threat when they eventually cross paths with the player. However, other enemies will definitely put up a fight, especially if one engages with them unprepared or at a lower level.

10 Glowing One

There are many kinds of ghouls that players will fight through and encounter as they play through Fallout: New Vegas. Ghouls are the results of the nuclear bombs that dropped during the Great War. Some ghouls retained their sanity, while others have become feral. One type of feral ghoul that poses a large threat to players is the glowing one. Glowing ones are feral ghouls that possess powers from radiation. They can be distinguished from their lesser counterparts by their green glow. At level 26, they have 400 hit points and deal 60 melee damage. Glowing ones also have an aura explosion attack that deals radiation damage.

9 Overseer

Vault 34 is a place in Fallout: New Vegas that is packed with all kinds of feral ghouls who were once Vault dwellers. The overseer, unfortunately, succumbed to the same fate as that of the dwellers of which it was in charge. Another unfortunate circumstance is that the overseer is significantly stronger than other ghouls. The overseer is very resilient with 900 hit points and deals 100 melee damage. It also has an aura explosion that deals radiation damage like glowing ones.

8 Legendary Fire Gecko

Geckos are one of the most common enemies that players will encounter throughout their playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas. In fact, the first mission of the game has the player fight off geckos from the water supply of the town of Goodsprings.

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There are a few variants of geckos: fire geckos, golden geckos, and green geckos from the Honest Hearts DLC. The legendary fire gecko found in Fire Root Cavern is very deadly. With a hit point total of 385, a melee attack that deals 115 damage each hit, as well as fire breath, the legendary fire gecko may catch unsuspecting players off guard when they encounter it.

7 Legendary Cazador

Fallout: New Vegas fans will lament at the very mention of Cazadores. Cazadores, which are mutations resulting from experiments done on tarantula hawk wasps, are difficult enemies to deal with on their own. The initial attack damage paired with the deadly venom that can quickly deteriorate one’s health is sure to make players think twice before attacking them. The Legendary Cazador is even stronger than the regular Cazadores. The Legendary Cazador holds strong at 400 hit points and deals 120 melee damage with its poison dealing 8 damage a second for 30 seconds.

6 Legendary Night Stalker

The Night Stalker is a creature that can strike fear into the hearts of players when they least expect it. What makes night stalkers so unsettling is that they are an experimental hybrid with the body of a coyote and the head and tail of a rattlesnake.

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Their combination of a bark and a hiss is another disturbing characteristic. Following the trend of legendary creatures, there is a legendary variant of night stalkers. The terrifying legendary night stalker is bolstered with 250 hit points and has a 100 damage melee attack.

5 Legendary Deathclaw

Deathclaws are extremely dangerous creatures that have made an appearance in every Fallout game to date. Deathclaws are one of the most iconic creatures of the franchise. Even though they are well-known, it does not make them any less frightening. Just like the Cazador, the fire gecko, and the night stalker, the deathclaw also has a legendary variant. The legendary deathclaw has a colossal 1,000 hit points and deals 250 melee damage per hit. Should players be so bold as to hunt this monster, it can be found at Dead Wind Cavern.

4 Deathclaw Alpha Male

While the legendary deathclaw is very dangerous, it is not the only superpredator deathclaw that stalks the sands of the Mojave Wasteland. Players should avoid the deathclaw alpha male unless they are absolutely sure they have the means to defeat it.

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The deathclaw alpha male is very quick, running twice as fast as a regular deathclaw. The deathclaw alpha male looks very similar to the legendary deathclaw with the difference being a slight change in the skin tone. While the alpha male doesn’t have as much health as the legendary deathclaw, it deals 50 more damage with its attack.

3 Deathclaw Mother

The deathclaw mother is a force to be reckoned with when players cross her path. Deathclaw mothers have a chilling appearance of greenish-blue skin and backward-sweeping horns that will most likely make any player think twice before approaching them.  The deathclaw mother may have slightly less health and deal slightly less damage than the deathclaw alpha male, but she runs faster than her male counterpart. The mother is almost always accompanied by her babies, and if any one of her offspring is killed, she will go into a blind rage, attacking anything in her sight that isn’t a deathclaw.

2 Hardened Sentrybot

Robots come in many different forms through the Fallout series as both friend and foe. In Fallout: New Vegas, there are many robots that wish players harm. The Hardened Sentrybot is one such robot.

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The Sentryboy is one of the strongest robots in Fallout: New Vegas, armed with missiles, lasers, and miniguns. While having no damage threshold like the regular Sentrybot, the Hardened variant has almost double the health and greater resistance to pulse grenades. The Hardened Sentrybot is located at the crashed vertibird to the south.

1 Legate Lanius

Legate Lanius is one of the most ruthless and cold-blooded humans in the Mojave Wasteland. The military commander of Caesar’s Legion is the final boss of the game for three out of the four main factions with which players can side in their playthroughs. Siding with Caesar’s Legion makes Lanius an ally, but for the most part, he is considered an enemy. If players are unable to pass the high Speech checks and convince him not to fight, they will have to face the Legate in a head-to-head match. This won’t be an easy feat to accomplish since Lanius has many tricks up his sleeves like having 800-900 hit points, regenerating health, the Blade of the East, and the ability to run almost twice as fast as a normal human.

NEXT: Fallout New Vegas: 10 Things Players Missed About Vault 21


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