The Pokemon universe is arguably one of the most cosplayed video game franchises around the world. With so many interesting Pokemon trainers and rivals that span across the different video game titles, fans are likely to find a character that they can relate to, and one that they will want to dress up as. One cosplayer has found her match by bringing to life Marnie, the popular rival trainer from Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Launched back in 2019, Pokemon Sword and Shield introduced several rival Pokemon trainers within the game’s main story including the protagonist’s childhood friend Hop, Bede, and, of course, Marnie. In the game, Marnie is shown to be a very popular character with the main character even encountering her very own fan club Team Yell as they cheer her on in her journey towards the Pokemon League. Marnie’s popularity has even translated into real life, as several toy figures of the character are being produced to be sold to the public soon.
Cosplayer zureeal, who is based in the United Kingdom, shared a selfie photo of her Marnie cosplay on Instagram, complete with the character’s well-known pigtails, and iconic leather jacket. Zureeal shows off Marnie’s pretty yet deadpan face and expression, as she holds a Poke Ball in her hand, which fans can likely guess houses her partner Pokemon Morpeko. Though the cosplay outfit is not exactly as it is in the game, and zureeal had to photoshop in Marnie’s unique undercut, comments on the thread praised her efforts, and stated that she looked like Marnie in real life.

Pokemon Sword and Shield fans may also find it interesting that Marnie is not the only rival trainer in the game that zureeal has cosplayed. In another Instagram post, she shows off her cosplay of Klara, the unique rival trainer from Pokemon Sword‘s The Isle of Armor DLC. In that cosplay, zureeal showcases the full gym outfit of Klara, complete with the bright pink hair, large white bow, and fluffy white fur coat. She is also seen posing with a Poke Ball. Pokemon Sword players will likely remember Klara as the trainer who has a fondness for Poison-type Pokemon.

Though Pokemon Sword and Shield is close to being two years old this year, its fans still continue to play the game and even create cosplay content for it. With different Max Raids cycling monthly, and even seasonal events being hosted to celebrate occasions, it is no wonder that Pokemon Sword and Shield still has a very active and engaged player base.
Pokemon Sword and Shield is currently available on the Nintendo Switch.
Source: Instagram/Zureeal

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