Avatar: 10 Things You’ll Only Know About Aang If You Read The Comics

Going through the drama of the original series, everyone was left wondering what happened once Aang restored peace to the world. Luckily for diehard fans, the graphic novels were started shortly after. Answering a lot of the loose ends that were left at the end of the show, it’s time that the rest of the fans got some answers too.

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Moving the spotlight a lot more and focusing on different characters, it’s still Aang in the driver seat in the graphic novels. Showing both his growth in the next few years along with the struggles that come with it, readers get to see a lot more of the world and meet some of the most interesting characters in the Avatar universe.

10 No Rest

Even though the show ended off on a peaceful note, fans will quickly find out that there’s no rest for the Avatar. Almost immediately running into conflict when the nations are forced to interact with each other. While the world as a whole isn’t at war, the battles move into the streets.

Figuring out what to do with the Fire Nation colonies that exist in the Earth Kingdom also restarts the team’s rivalry with Zuko. Though it doesn’t stretch out quite as long as the first time, Aang is now being challenged on all sides instead of having one common enemy.

9 Fan Club

With his great victory over the Fire Lord, Aang receives a lot of support from the rest of the world. One of the earliest things we see is the creation of his fan club, one that’s made up of all females. Though it seems like an honor, even this starts bringing up problems for the Avatar, especially in his new relationship with Katara.

Later in the books, readers see just how far the fan club is willing to go, bordering on the inappropriate. Not all the citizens share the same point of view when it comes to Aang, with mixed reviews and tricky problems springing up wherever he looks. The fan club both helps and hurts Aang throughout the books, giving a realistic look at the price of fame.

8 Aang & Katara

The final episode of the show finally gives fans the payoff that had been building up for 3 seasons as Aang and Katara finally kiss. Now the newly minted couple has to navigate their new life, including the major weakness this gives him.

From backing each other up to some jealousy episodes, fans get everything they were hoping for. The couple even separates for a while, having to deal with their own issues in different nations.

7 Connection With Zuko

Aang and Zuko quickly get back at each other’s throats after the show, resulting in much more intense scenes than we ever got in the early years. The two are now leaders and have a lot more than personal problems to fix, taking fans on a roller coaster that no one is prepared for.

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Don’t let the big-scale issues fool, the dynamic duo also go on a journey to find Zuko’s long-lost mother. Bringing up some of the most personal topics covered in the series, even questioning the fire lord’s family ties, something the Avatar is heavily involved in.

6 Working With Azula

The most sinister character in the entire series and Zuko’s sister, Princess Azula reclaims her place as the Queen of Mean. Locked in an asylum with some pretty obvious mental issues, Team Avatar has to find a way to work with her to get information.

While she’s definitely still got some terrible traits, Azula shows a much deeper and more tormented side to her. Slowly turning from threatening to sad and back again, readers get a chance to understand the villain in a way the show never allowed.

5 The Old Ways

Throughout the show, viewers could agree with Aang on almost everything he stood for, being the obvious good guy in the story. This time around Team Avatar start fighting amongst themselves over less clear lines, making picking a side a harder choice.

This is especially true when it comes to Aang’s attachment to the old ways, being a monk, and respecting nature to the highest degree. Toph and some other citizens want to expand society and bring the nations together. Showing some flaws in holding on so tightly in an evolving community, he has to answer some internal problems with himself.

4 The New Mentor

One of the most shocking parts of Aang’s journey is his connection with his mentor, Roku. The new world that Aang needs help guiding gets overwhelming for the former Avatar, causing him to shut down his connection with Aang and deliver one of the saddest scenes in Avatar.

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Leaving Aang without a mentor and in desperate need of some advice, Yangchen starts to fill the role. She tells him that this means that his connection to all the former Avatar has weakened because the closest in line has detached, making his spiritual powers a weak spot that needs to be fixed.

3 The Spirits

While there were some spirit cameos in the show, the novels bring out some heavy hitters. From nature spirits that appear when the humans have messed up to the mystical that grant wishes. Readers will get a lot more backstory and fill in some gaps that the show left behind, helping Team Avatar along the way.

With such pressing issues in the physical world, it’s no surprise that the spirit world was only visited a few times in the show. Now fans get to explore one of the most interesting parts of the story, introducing characters on a much bigger scale that have more impact on the goings-on of the new story.

2 Avatar State

The graphic novels actually tease readers with the Avatar state for quite a long time, Katara being quick to calm Aang down anytime he starts to power up. Leaving his power increase up to the viewer’s imagination throughout the books, Aang gets by on his growing diplomatic skills and fighting ability.

That is until one of the last battles with a very powerful spirit called Old Iron, only then does he enter the Avatar state in battle and recreate the spirit’s body. Essentially creating a Rock’em Sock ’em robot fight with giant rock giants. While this isn’t the last we see Aang flex his power, it’s definitely the most memorable.

1 Benders Vs. Non Benders

Fans that watched the Legend Of Korra will know that once the four nations stopped warring it was down to the bender/nonbender fight to keep things interesting. This becomes obvious when he tries to help a village rebuild their homes that were torn down by rogue benders, rejecting his help and grouping him in as the enemy.

Another civil conflict that brings up a whole new set of issues, only Aang has to deal with it long before any kind of republic was there to help him. Putting his new title to the test, he has to prove that he’s the guide for all people, not just benders that want power over regular society.

NEXT: Overwatch 2: 10 Things From The Comics That Should Come To The Game


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