Call Of Duty Warzone: New Ground Loot And Blueprints In Season 2

The arrival of Season two means that gamers can finally use new ground loot in Warzone. While many in the community are disappointed with the minor map changes in Season 2, there are some positives to take away from the update. One being that Cold War attachments are finally fixed after more than two months of confusion.

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The accidental Agency Suppressor nerf has also been fixed, allowing gamers to use one of the handful of viable Cold War weapons. New blueprints and operators are always nice additions as well. Players should try to be optimistic that the new map will come sooner rather than later. For now, gamers can enjoy a slight change to the early game experience.

Ground loot has shaken up the meta in Warzone several times. The common M4, FFAR, Bruen, and Origin 12 are a few examples of very good floor loot weapons over the past seven seasons. In Season 2, Warzone players will have five new common and uncommon guns, the Bullfrog, M16, Stoner, XM4, and R9-0. Raven have kept the Diamatti, Hauer, FFAR, Milano, and Pelington in the rotation as well.

The ground loot Bullfrog is a fantastic early game weapon and a welcome addition to the game. The SMG creeped into the meta at the end of Season 1 as a consistent weapon at close to medium range. It is a good replacement for the Bizon, which has a slower TTK and more recoil.

The M16 is a good ground loot weapon, but the iron sights make it hard to use. Gamers that can get over the visual obstruction of the sights will enjoy using it in game. Players are better off with the FFAR and Bullfrog, however.

Both versions of the XM4 are dominant early in the game, but they do not have enough ammo. The weapon is good enough to down one, but not two.

Warzone players know all too well how good the R9-0 can be. Without the Dragon’s Breath rounds and attachments, the gun is okay at best.

After using the Stoner in Season one, it is clear that the weapon will be good even without attachments. Ammo in the early game is important, and the Stoner will have a much larger clip than the other weapons.

Five new rare blueprints were added in Season two, and most of them look to be much better than the Season 1 options. All of these new weapons are listed below, along with a description of how the gun performs in game.

The motorcade is a top tier blueprint for all of the reasons stated above. The gun has a few attachments that make it slightly better than the floor loot versions as well. Gamers can honestly use this gun as secondary if needed, it is that good.

Glade Ripper is certainly an A tier blueprint. The Stoner has a lot of ammo and manageable recoil with good damage values. Mobility and ADS time could be better though.

Dime Piece was replaced with Runaway Thunder in Season 2. The weapon has moderate recoil and enough damage to be effective in the early minutes of a match. Players will have no problems with the blueprint.

Shotguns have taken a back seat to the SMGs in Warzone, but the R9-0 is still a viable weapon at close range. There are better options, but the Finger Trap is usable early in matches.

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The Sand Trap is an M16 with a sight, which is all players really need in Warzone. The build is definitely one of the better rare options.

Tonkotsu is a god tier meal, but an average blueprint in Warzone. Gamers often hate on the P90, but it is certainly viable in the current meta. The Merc Thermal optic makes the weapon annoying to use, however.

Season 2 includes thirteen new epic blueprints with three entirely new weapons. This could be the best season for ground loot thus far, with some amazing builds gamers can actually use until their loadout drops. The best picks this Season are the RPD and PKM blueprints detailed below.

The Cold War MP5 is one of the best SMGs in the game, but it takes some getting used to. It has a higher magnitude of recoil than the Modern Warfare version, but it is entirely vertical. This gun has a great TTK, but it may throw players off early in the game.

Despite the blueprints awesome name, the gun does not deal enough damage to be viable. The QBZ is accurate, but it only tickles opponents.

The Flying Pig is downright atrocious for a multitude of reasons. The X16 is better early in the game.

The new LC10 is usable. It has modest recoil and a good enough TTK to use until the loadout drop. Not meta, but borderline viable.

Seasoned Warzone players know that the PKM hits hard. The only thing holding back this blueprint is the thermal hybrid scope.

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Gamers should never pick this gun up, it is horrible. It will not even blow up a vehicle with one shot.

The epic version of the Type 63 has too much recoil. Gamers will have better luck with the legendary Blueprint below.

The Sea Lurker is a better build for the AUG than the Aztec Assassin. Bullet velocity and range feel good with this blueprint. It is definitely a viable setup.

The Renetti has taken a backseat to the Diamatti, but it is still good. Players can use this gun for the first few minutes, but it will lose to a lot of the other ground loot guns.

One of the biggest problems with the 1911 is ammunition. Spawning with this weapon on Rebirth Island is frustrating, and players will almost always run out of ammunition before they can down opposing players.

Finally, another Uzi blueprint. This gun is very competitive with the AE rounds and 32 bullets. Gamers have been sleeping on the Uzi for some time. Hopefully, this blueprint helps to revive the weapon.

The Gallo does not have enough ammunition to take on multiple foes. This gun is better suited for solos and duos.

Wave Lord is one of the top epic blueprints this season. It has controllable recoil and competitive damage values with a large magazine.

Legendary blueprints are the biggest ground loot addition in Season 2. There are eighteen new Legendary blueprints that gamers can use in game. Four of the builds are good enough to use in the endgame.

This blueprint allows players to use the new CX-9 before it is even released. This weapon will melt enemies and can be a sniper support weapon for players who want to get ghost.

The Fara is not very competitive in general, but this build is usable early in games. High recoil makes the weapon taxing to manage.

Silent Motive is a top tier ground loot weapon. Gamers can use this gun throughout the match.

The epic Type blueprint has a lot of bounce due to the attachments. This build is much better and will dominate off of the drop.

Warzone is by no means in a shotgun meta, but this gun will get the job done. The shotgun has plenty of ammo and a quick reload time.

The Raal is fun to use and competitive at medium ranges. However, it is held back by a mediocre recoil pattern. Still, it is one of the better ground loot weapons in this season.

The Gallo suffers from a small magazine and slow reload time. It is best suited for solo and duo game modes.

As mentioned above, the new Uzi blueprints have the AE 32 round magazines. The AE rounds improve both damage and range, making this gun viable in Season 2.

The LC 10 is a middle tier gun in Warzone, and the holo sight on the weapon is hard to use. The blueprint is usable, but there are a host of better options.

Unfortunately, the Frozen Waste is underwhelming. With a Merc Thermal optic and slow aim down sight speed, gamers should opt for the Old Growth.

Mobility and aim down sight speed make Dead Bit the worst RPD to use this season. The optic on the weapon is not great either.

Unlike the epic blueprint, this gun is not built for range. While it is still usable, the epic PKM is better.

Something weird is going on with this build. It seems like the bullet spread and bullet velocity are worse than the epic version. Gamers will like the Sea Lurker over this build.

Again, the QBZ does the lowest damage of all the assault rifles. It is the Milano of the ARs. Pretty much any weapon will be better.

Magazine and recoil issues make the Teal drop a bad option early in games. The Diamatti and Renetti are much better.

Gamers should avoid this build at all costs. The fire rate is slow and the recoil is worse than the Oden. The M60 is the worst LMG in the game.

Seeing the AS VAL is intriguing, but this gun has the 10 round semi-auto clip. The weapon feels and performs like a discount FAL.

Both Magnums in Warzone are bottom tier weapons. Gamers have a handful of higher quality builds in the pistol class alone.

NEXT: Call Of Duty Warzone: Best Loadouts To Trick Opponents And How To Use Them


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