One of the most efficient ways for Genshin Impact players to gain Adventure Rank XP and gain primogems is by completing daily commissions. While Genshin Impact players are likely to repeat multiple daily commissions, there are several that are far less common.
In the Tales of Winter daily commission, players are tasked with investigating a Fatui member who is recruiting citizens in Mondstadt to join their cause. Before starting the quest, players should note that the Tales of Winter daily commission, like the Poetry Exchange daily commission, consists of three separate commissions all of which are titled “Tales of Winter.”
To begin the quest, players must travel to the Chapel in Mondstadt and speak with the Fatui Diplomat in an attempt to gain information about his organization. After speaking with Viktor, he will task the player with acquiring one of three items: Mitachurl loot, Treasure Hoarder loot, or Ruin Guard loot.

It is important to note that players will only be able to accept the commission to acquire and turn in one of the three items requested by Viktor. Players must then wait to receive the daily commission a second and third time at a later date before finally completing the questline.

To find the Mitachurl loot, players must travel to the Falcon Coast region of Mondstadt and defeat the Mitachurl located west of the Cryo Regisvine location. After defeating the Mitachurl, players will receive the Mitachurl loot which they can then give to Viktor to complete the quest. While the Mitachrul loot may look like the typical horns dropped by the enemy that players may already have in their inventory, it is a unique quest item and must be obtained by the enemy located at the quest marker.
Players can find the Treasure Hoarder loot located in the Brightcrown Canyon region of Mondstadt, next to the Brightcrown Mountains waypoint. The Treasure Hoarder loot will be added to the player’s inventory after they have defeated the final enemy. Additionally, the Ruin Guard loot can also be found in the ruins of Brightcrown Canyon and will be added to the player’s inventory after defeating the Ruin Guard that spawns in the area.

While players will receive the typical daily commission rewards after completing each of the three Tales of Winter commissions, they will also unlock the “Telling It How It Is” achievement which rewards 5 primogems after completing all three quests.
Unfortunately, there is no way for the player to guarantee receiving the Tales of Winter daily commission as the commissions received are entirely RNG dependant. Several players have voiced their concerns about the rate at which this daily commission is received, with many players reaching Adventure Rank 50 without having received the quest once. As a result, players can only keep a close eye on what commission they receive and hope for one of the markers to spawn on the Cathedral in Mondstadt.
Genshin Impact is available for Mobile, PC, and PS4, with PS5 and Switch versions in development.

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