New Zack Snyder’s Justice League Trailer Puts Spotlight On Darkseid

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is only a few days away from its HBO Max release and in the run-up, Snyder and HBO have been sharing some teasers for each of the heroes that will star in the piece. As the final countdown begins, however, the 2nd official trailer for the film has dropped, and this time it’s Darkseid who gets some time in the spotlight.

As many fans know by this point, one of the biggest changes to the Snyder Cut of Justice League is the reintroduction of Darkseid, the legendary DC villain who was meant to be the overarching antagonist of multiple DC films. Though he was cut out of the project for the theatrical release, with the focus being shifted solely to the henchman Steppenwolf in Joss Whedon’s version, Snyder’s cut intends to restore him in all his glory, allowing him to finally throw down with the Justice League towards the end of the film.

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The latest trailer, released on Youtube by HBO Max, is all about Darkseid, with the promise that he will be the harbinger of death for Earth. Things focus on him from the get-go, with the imposing figure commanding his army and the redesigned Steppenwolf displaying his allegiance to his master.

From there, the trailer focuses on the Justice League’s reaction to the impending fight, focusing on a need to come together like never before. It is clear that this is one showdown that the entire world will be involved in, and no one will be left unscathed. Earth also seems to be at a serious disadvantage; with Superman’s death in Batman V. Superman, there is no one left to protect it from a galactic threat like Darkseid’s army.

For those less familiar with the DC Universe, Darkseid’s appearance in Justice League is similar to Thanos’ from Avengers: Infinity War, an ultimate showdown with a nigh-unstoppable foe. Unlike Thanos, who believed he was bringing balance to the universe with his sinister plot, Darkseid clearly doesn’t have noble intentions. As he states clearly in the trailer: “I have turned worlds to dust. All of existence shall be mine.”

Things don’t seem like they’re going to go great for the Justice League, all things considered, especially when taking into account Snyder’s original plan to end Justice League on a cliffhanger for another sequel. Whatever Darkseid’s plan truly is, audiences will have to wait to see it in action when the full Snyder Cut is made available to HBO Max subscribers in just a few days.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League hits HBO Max on March 18th, 2021.

MORE: Justice League’s Darkseid Gets Approval from Jack Kirby’s Grandson

Source: HBO Max/Youtube


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