Surviving Mars: How to Move Colonists | Game Rant

After a player establishes domes that can sustain human life in Surviving Mars, colonists will begin to live and work in them. While fans can control these settlers in several different ways, exactly how that is done may not be immediately obvious. For those players that are specifically interested in moving their colonists to new domes in Surviving Mars, this guide contains details on two distinct approaches.

Before getting into those approaches, though, it is important to mention that colonists will only move if there is a suitable dome within walking distance or that they can shuttle to. For the uninitiated, shuttles become available upon researching CO2 Jet Propulsion, which is on the Robotics branch of the technology tree, and placing a Shuttle Hub. While getting this conveyance system up and running does not require a huge investment, it may delay a Surviving Mars player‘s plans for relocation slightly.

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With that established, it is now possible to outline the methods for moving colonists in Surviving Mars, and the first one is for players the want to rehouse a large number of them very quickly. Specifically, these city building game fans should look to dome filters, which are accessed from the top of the UI when a dome is selected. These filters allow players to set policies for the inhabitation of a structure, and giving a thumbs down to all age groups or specialist types will cause a dome to be fully vacated.

That said, some serious issues can arise when employing this method, as it can lead to conflicts between colonists’ homes and workplaces in this sci-fi game. Indeed, there are penalties associated with a colonist working in a dome that they do not live and doing a job that they are not specialized in, and those can be hard to avoid when performing a mass relocation. As such, players may want to consider using the alternative method for moving colonists, though it is much more time consuming.

That method is to select an individual colonist and choose a new home and workplace for them specifically. Doing this carefully will guarantee that every colonist is working in the dome that they live in while also performing a job that is aligned with their specialization, thus alleviating any concerns about the aforementioned penalties. Again, this is quite an involved approach to moving colonists, and it simply may not be reasonable for those players that are looking to do some major rehousing in this title from publisher Paradox Interactive.

Surviving Mars is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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