The 10 Weirdest Things You Can Actually Do In Genshin Impact

The world of Genshin Impact is a vast one and the possibilities are nearly endless. In an incredible open-world game, it’s always a good idea to try and test the limits and explore as much as possible. Finding all the strange things a game allows and doesn’t is half the fun!

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In a world filled with so many fantasy elements, it sounds as if it would be difficult to find things players find strange considering dragons and mystical gods of the elements are wandering around. However, leave it to the fanbase to explore every corner of the world to find those bizarre encounters. Here are a few great examples of the weirdest things Genshin Impact allows players to do.

10 Meet Your Clone

When a playable character is involved in a story quest to be a quest giver or to give the player some extra dialogue, it’s possible to switch over to that same character to create a bizarre paradox.

Of course, as soon as the player engages in dialogue, the player automatically switches back to the Traveller once the conversation is started so the script makes a bit more sense and the characters aren’t taken aback by their double. However, for a few brief moments, the player can have an opportunity to create a fun little scene to grab a few great screencaps.

9 Tread In Water Forever

No matter where players venture, it’s always important to keep an eye on the stamina meter. Running, climbing, and swimming all take up stamina and after the bar has been depleted, the party member being used will then need a small break before it slowly replenishes again.

This all makes perfect sense up until the swimming mechanic comes into play. Anyone that knows how to swim knows swimming from point A to point B isn’t the only thing that’s exhausting; treading is incredibly tiring as well. However, in the world of Genshin Impact, treading doesn’t take up any stamina and it’s somehow possible to tread in water forever when the stamina bar is depleted. Treading miraculously will allow the player to avoid drowning, so long as the player stays completely still. This makes for some hilarious rescue missions during co-op sessions!

8 Recite Poetry To Hilichurls

In a strange commission from the young scholarly Ella Musk, the player is given the rare (and slightly dangerous) opportunity to recite some poetry to a few curious hilichurls. Ella is often seen studying diligently, and her specialty just so happens to be hilichurlian linguistics.

After accepting the commission, the player then has the chance to approach a few (initially) docile hilichurls. A few dialogue options will be available, all in hilichurlian of course. At this point, there are two outcomes: one being a successful performance that ends with a celebratory dance party and the other being an unfortunate misunderstanding that leads to a battle.

Who knew the game would allow the player a chance to serenade a pack of enemies in the name of linguistic achievement?

7 Recruit A Bomb-Weilding Toddler

After Klee’s release in October of last year, fans were rolling and spending tons of their gems just for the chance to get this adorable 5-star pyro addition to their team. Pyro characters are great! But should a young girl like Klee really be trusted with so many explosives?!

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This little bomb-throwing toddler is (surprisingly enough) an official member of the Knights of Favonius. Having an adorable character like Klee in the story was one thing, but being able to recruit and play as the little toddler tossing out bombs left and right to kill her opponents is definitely one of the stranger things in Genshin Impact.

6 Build An Ice Bridge Anywhere

Although much easier with a co-op party, it is possible to build a makeshift bridge anywhere across the ocean just with a simple ice attack. A cryo user has the ability to freeze their surroundings; whether that be a dangerous enemy or the surface of a lake.

This trick has been meme’d by much of the fanbase and as bizarre as it is, it makes for a completely viable tactic! Often using Kaeya (and occasionally Chongyun), players will team up and try their best to reach a far-off destination across a large body of water that would normally be out of reach. Genshin Impact implements a stamina system so forget attempting to swim to an island; if it’s too far, the character will eventually drown after succumbing to exhaustion.

The infamous “Kaeya Ice Bridge” may be a weird form of transportation, but in the end, it for some reason actually works.

5 Murder A Young Child’s Pet Ducks

After accepting a commission from a young boy named Timmie, the player is then charged with the task of feeding some ducks nearby. A quaint little commission, much more relaxing than the majority of quests involving plenty of intense combat; surely most players would relish in the nice change of pace.

As favorable as that would be, the sad reality is that a good amount of players actually choose to have some “fun” and murder the ducks instead. This then triggers a unique dialogue from Timmie being (rightfully) furious at the player for their heartless act. Between his beloved ducks and the bit of dialogue he has about his father, poor Timmie can’t catch a break.

4 Climb Almost Everywhere

Genshin Impact may remind players of Skyrim when it comes to the ability to climb to almost any objective. Skyrim was notorious for letting players reach the highest of mountain tops by persistently spamming the jump button until finally finding some solid ground to stand on. In Skyrim, this trick is not exactly encouraged, however in Genshin Impact, climbing everywhere definitely is.

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Not only are mountains and wild terrain climbable but buildings and statues are also available to be scaled as well. This form of transportation can be rather questionable at times, often offering easy shortcuts or quick escapes from battle as well. Not only is this a strange thing the game allows the player to do, it makes the inclusion of ladders even more puzzling.

3 Become A Food Delivery Person

Although delivering food for the occasional daily commission is an option, the team at miHoYo wanted to indulge in this unique quest even more. During the “While It’s Warm” event, players had the opportunity to live the life of a delivery person in the Teyvat.

Unlike the regular food delivery quests, this event had special rules for each order that transformed the once-simple task into a real challenge. Whether it be avoiding taking any damage or throwing away the ability to sprint or glide, in the combat-filled world of Genshin Impact, food delivery is a real option.

2 Recruit A God To Join Your Team

Don’t be deceived by Venti’s adorable exterior, behind those innocent looks, Venti is actually the one and only Ameno Archon, Lord Barbatos! Not only that, Venti, a literal god in the world of the game, is a playable character as well.

Not only is the Ameno Archon available via gacha pulls, but the Geo Archon, Morax has taken a mortal vessel as well in the form of the handsome Zhongli. These incredibly revered mortal vessels of the gods are not only available for the player to meet within story quests but also to recruit as a powerful member of their party!

1 Revive Dead Friends With A Single Fried Egg

When venturing out into the world, facing off against slimes, hilichurls, and the occasional ruin guard, the player’s party can take some lasting damage. Luckily in Genshin Impact, permadeath isn’t an issue and fallen party members can be easily revived with the right item. Perhaps a magical elixir or the touch from a powerful gem or feather? Apparently, the answer is a simple egg.

This is a particularly strange thing the game allows the player to do as party members can even be revived during battle. Is there really time for a quick breakfast when battling it out with a samachurl trying to freeze the rest of the team? Even outside of a battle, the question of how to feed an unconscious party member raises a lot of questions as well!

NEXT: Genshin Impact: 10 New Features We Would Love To See

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