Fortnite Season 6 has officially arrived, and it has brought a number of new challenges along with it. Several of these new challenges center around investigating anomalies in various locations, one of which is Lazy Lake. For those players that may be having some trouble completing the “investigate the anomaly at Lazy Lake” challenge in Fortnite, this guide contains full details on exactly where they should go and what they should do when they get there.
To start, Lazy Lake is a named location that is situated in the southeast quadrant of Fortnite‘s map, and fans that are working on this task should head there at their convenience. Upon arrival at the location, players should make their way to its northwest corner, where they will find a house marked with a “2.” Players should now enter that house in order to trigger the appearance of a somewhat unusual butterfly.
The insect will now begin descending the stairs, and fans should follow along until they reach the house’s basement. It is at this point that the butterfly will disappear, and players will need to use their Harvesting Tools in Fortnite to break through the wall with the blue screen on it and access a secret room. At the center of this room sits a wood and glass case, which serves as a puzzles that players must solve to progress the challenge.
With respect to arriving at that solution, it is all about activating the jewels on the side of the case in a particular order. While some Fortnite players will undoubtedly prefer to work that out for themselves, here is the correct order for those that would like to expedite the process:
- The circular Jewel facing the wall that the player just broke through.
- The tear-shaped Jewel across from Jewel #1.
- The shield-shaped Jewel on the right side of the case (when facing it from the entrance).
- The square Jewel across from Jewel #3.
After activating the four Jewels, fans will find that a new object has appeared in the center of the case. All that is left to do now is to jump on the case and interact with that object, and indeed players should receive indication that they have completed the challenge as soon as that has been done. Fans can then move onto working on some of the other new tasks that are now available, such as the one that asks them to find Golden Artifacts near the Spire in Fortnite.
Fortnite is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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