Amber, the bubbly Outrider of the Knights of Favonius, is the first playable character to join the Traveler in Genshin Impact. Unfortunately, many consider her to be the least powerful character in the game. Her base stats are low, and her Skill and Burst can be awkward to use. Players frequently shelve Amber in favor of stronger free characters, like Kaeya or the potentially formidable Xiangling.
For a starter character, she may be a bit complicated to build and use, but don’t disregard Amber. She can be a great asset in crowd control and elemental support. Avoiding these common pitfalls can allow travelers to unlock the true potential of Monstadt’s Gliding Champion.
10 Misfiring Her Shots

Using one of the game’s many powerful bows can be tricky for new players. Archers like Amber have two variations of their attacks: a weak, rapid-fire Normal, and the Aimed Shot. Aimed Shots deal more damage and can strike weak points, but they’re slow and require more precision. Amber’s fully charged shot deals more than twice the damage of an uncharged Aimed Shot, and it inflicts Pyro too. When firing off Aimed Shots, try to commit to a full charge every time.
Because Amber’s Aimed Shot sets things on fire, it’s very useful for triggering explosives. Look for red barrels in domains or by Hilichurl camps. Pyro is also highly recommended when dealing with Wooden Shieldwall Mitachurls. They’ll block most attacks unless their shield burns up.
9 Failing To Properly Utilize Baron Bunny

Amber’s Elemental Skill is Explosive Puppet. She tosses Baron Bunny, an adorable ragamuffin who draws enemy fire before exploding. To maximize the Skill’s crowd control, try to throw it as far away from Amber as is reasonable. Holding down the Skill button increases her throwing range. It’s also possible to adjust the throw’s direction while holding. Don’t throw too far, though, or enemies won’t notice the taunt.
More tips for using the Explosive Puppet: It only taunts enemies within a certain range, so foes with ranged attacks probably won’t be fooled. It’s also best to throw Baron Bunny towards the strongest enemy in range, so it’ll explode sooner. Baron’s explosion won’t hurt Amber, but it might set the grass under her feet aflame, so it’s important to keep some distance.
8 Failing To Use Fiery Rain Effectively

Amber’s Elemental Burst is Fiery Rain. She calls down a rain of arrows that deal Pyro damage in an AoE. Fiery Rain is best used after grouping enemies up with Baron Bunny. Amber can be switched out as soon as the circle appears, and the attack continues while another character is active.
Amber unlocks the Passive Talent “Every Arrow Finds Its Target” on her first Ascension. This increases the AoE of her Burst as well as boosting the crit rate by 10%. It’s not difficult to find the materials required for a first ascension (enterprising players have produced materials that help a lot there), so this is a must for anyone who wants to get the most out of Fiery Rain.
7 Forgetting Elemental Resonance

New Genshin Impact players frequently forget Elemental Resonance when building their party for tough encounters. Each element has a special party-wide buff when two characters of the same element are present. For Pyro, it’s Fervent Flames, which boosts Attack by 25%. Amber herself isn’t a top-tier damage dealer, but the team’s heavy hitter will be thankful for the boost two Pyro allies provide.
In the metagame, Amber is considered a Sub DPS character. Sub DPS characters are mostly used for Elemental Reactions. A typical strategy is to have a main DPS character and one Sub DPS character of the same element. Some of the strongest DPS characters in the game use Pyro, and Diluc, Klee, and Hu Tao would all work well on the same team as Amber.
6 Not Exploiting Pyro Reactions

Amber’s Skill and Burst both apply Pyro in an AoE. Pyro itself deals a bit of damage over time, but its true power comes from reactions. Melt and Vaporize deal bonus damage, while Crystalize provides a shield. Swapping Amber out for a character of a different element right after dealing Pyro damage is a good way to set things up.
One of the most powerful Pyro reactions is Overloaded. When Pyro meets Electro, a small explosion deals damage to enemies nearby. This synergizes great with Amber’s crowd control abilities. Pair her with a character who deals Electro in an AoE (like Lisa or Keqing) for huge bursts of damage.
5 Building Amber’s HP

Bow users like Amber are often a bit fragile. Players will compensate for this by equipping HP-boosting artifacts. Counter-intuitive as it may seem, though, it’s generally not a good idea to increase Amber’s HP. Baron Bunny’s HP scales with its owner’s, meaning it’ll take more damage before the explosion is triggered.
While the Elemental Skill’s taunt function is useful for getting foes into groups, the Bunny should go boom as soon as enemies reach it. For this reason, Artifacts that increase Amber’s HP should be avoided. To boost her survivability, go for Defense, or pack a healer with a lot of potential, like Barbara.
4 Forgetting Her Gliding Passive

Amber has the “Gliding Champion” talent right off the bat. If she’s a member of the party, gliding consumes 20% less Stamina than normal. Amber can be indispensable for traversing areas where gliding is required, such as the rocky cliffs of Liyue. Precise gliding is the only way to reach many tricky anemoculi, so she’ll make finding those less of a hassle.
Gliding can also be used in combat situations. Most enemies won’t follow the player right off a cliff, opting to take the long way around instead. Put some distance between Amber and her foes by gliding off a drop before shooting up at them. Attacking while gliding triggers a powerful Plunging Attack once the character hits the ground, which is useful for clearing groups of weak enemies like Hilichurls.
3 Being Wasteful With Her Skill and Burst

One of Amber’s greatest downfalls is the cooldown rate of her abilities. Fiery Rain has a cooldown of 12 seconds and the attack itself only lasts for 2. Explosive Puppet also takes a long time to recharge, at 15 seconds. She’s not the kind of character whose Skill should be repeatedly thrown out as soon as it’s available. Use the Skill and Burst methodically. To maximize the damage of Fiery Rain, make sure the group you’re aiming for isn’t about to move out of range.
There are a few ways to deal with these long cooldowns. Amber’s fourth Constellation decreases her Skill’s cooldown by 20%. Artifacts or Weapons that provide Elemental Energy also help. A good weapon is the Favonius Warbow, which is a free reward for defeating the intriguing foe Dvalin of the Four Winds.
2 Not Using The Best Artifacts

Artifact sets are one of the most important parts of building a character. The Noblesse Oblige set, which soups up the Elemental Burst and provides a party-wide buff after its use, is considered by many to be among the game’s strongest. However, it’s hard to come by. More common sets that suit Amber are The Exile and Instructor. The Exile buffs Energy Recharge by 20% to combat Amber’s cooldowns. The Instructor set increases her Elemental Mastery, and temporarily buffs the party’s Mastery after her Skill is used.
Remember to avoid buffing Amber’s HP. Try not to equip HP-boosting artifacts if possible. Energy Recharge and Elemental Mastery are better stats to focus on for her. It’s a good idea to look into Pyro-buffing Artifacts, like the Crimson Witch of Flame set.
1 Forgetting Amber’s Constellations

Many of Genshin Impact‘s characters unlock their full potential through Constellation buffs. Amber is definitely one of these. Her first Constellation, “One Arrow To Rule Them All,” ups her DPS by firing two arrows per Aimed Shot. The second and fourth Constellations let Baron Bunny detonate on cue and decrease its cooldown respectively.
The sixth and final Constellation, “Wildfire,” buffs the entire party’s Speed and Attack after Amber’s Elemental Burst. Main DPS characters will benefit greatly from it. Collect Constellations by pulling duplicate copies of Amber in Wishes.

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