10 Pro Tips For Warface: Breakout | Game Rant

Warface: Breakout promises to bring the full tactical shooter experience to consoles. The spin-off from Warface is a tight, 5v5 tactical shooter, where supporting your team to accomplish your objective is far more important than your own score and kills.

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As far as shooters go, it is fairly straightforward. People who have experience with tactical shooters will be right at home with this format. But it offers a pretty easy experience for players new to the genre too. Regardless of your experience, however, there are some tips about this game that will help you do better, and here are a few.

10 Use Your Equipment

The importance of tactical equipment in Warface cannot be understated. It can give you an advantage in every situation you may find yourself in. Faced with a good sniper? Block the sightline with a smoke grenade. Planning to rush into a site? Block an angle with smoke and throw a flash on the site to gain an advantage. Getting in a firefight with someone who has a better weapon? Flash em. Even if they aren’t blinded they will be forced to take cover, and you can use it to position yourself better. Or just cover your escape. The possibilities are endless. Using your equipment well can be the difference between winning or losing a clutch round.

9 Communicate

Your chance of victory in a match depends on your team. Coordination with your team is massively important. Whether it’s setting up strategies, improvising, or just letting people know where you are and where you spotted enemies, communication is key. It is very highly recommended that you use a mic and call out everything. Where you’re going, what you’re buying, what you’re planning, where you died, your team knowing all of this is very, very important. If you prefer not to use a mic, Warface also offers a callout wheel. While it is no substitute for talking, it gives you options to communicate the bare minimum

8 Be Smart With Teams

Warface is a team game, and it is best played with your own team. The game prioritizes and tactical and strategic play over gunplay, and winning a direct 1v2 or a 1v3 firefight is difficult even for the best players. Stick with a teammate, or always have someone else who has eyes on you so you’re not caught out alone.

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How you spread out your team is also important. When you’re defending, there is no sense in all members sticking to one bomb site. Depending on the map, you can assign people to important angles and bomb sites to control the map better. If you’re attacking, all members rushing the same entrance is a suicide mission. Play to your teammates’ strengths and assign them roles accordingly.

7 Tactics, Tactics, Tactics!

Your tactics in Warface are the most important thing. Even if your team doesn’t have the best gunplay, smarter play can easily win you matches. Learning the maps, putting what team members in what roles, when to hold a site or an angle, and when to rotate are all important. They can easily flip a losing match into a winning match. The maps in Warface are also bigger and have more angles and covers than their counterparts, which lets you be creative with how you play. Play slowly and methodically, and you will win more games.

6 Weapons To Go With The Tactics

Learning what weapons to use in what situations is paramount. Not every weapon is suited to every situation. A sniper rifle can shut down a long angle completely but is at a huge disadvantage when the enemy team is rushing you. Shotguns, on the other hand, are amazing at clearing corners and stopping rushes but faced with Assault Rifles or SMGs they completely fail.

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There are some exceptions to this, though that might change with upcoming balance patches. The SMGs are very versatile. At low to medium ranges, they dominate, and with some clever burst fire, they can be very useful on longer angles too. The automatic pistol is easily the best pistol in the game and can complement a sniper rifle or win games in pistol or eco rounds.

5 Use The Minimap

Tactical Shooters are all about information. Early parts of the round are best used in gathering information, and how you react to it can make or break strategies. The minimap in Warface is one of the best in the genre and is easily your best information gathering tool. The map shows where you and your teammates are, where your enemies are firing for, where your teammates and enemies have died and how recently. Keeping an eye on the map will help you in making better decisions in the middle of the game. You can estimate your enemies’ strategies, how many people you have and where, and make snap decisions that can make or break a round. The minimap also has the name of the area you’re in, which will help in learning maps and in making good callouts

4 Keep ‘Em Guessing

While getting information is important, so is not giving information to your enemy. If an enemy knows where you are, and what you’re planning to do, they can easily make your life harder. Remember, the same tools you have also exist for your opponent. So, be careful when peeking or shooting, and ensure you let your enemies know as little as possible.

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A simple way to do this is to keep changing positions after every gunfight. Regardless of the outcome of the gunfight, if you stay in the same position after an engagement the opponent can stress that position and force you into a disadvantage. However, if you keep moving and thinking on the fly, you can easily keep your opponents lost and pick off some easy kills.

3 Pick Your Fights

As important as winning fights is, staying alive is much more important. Sometimes, you will be forced into situations where the best option is to retreat. This is true of both individual firefights and entire rounds. You will at times find yourself in a losing round, and it is better to save yourself and your gun. Economy is very important in Warface, and it is much better to lose the battle to win the war.

Similarly, getting into a firefight should take some thought. You don’t want to get caught in a 1v3 position while trying to get an early peek or kill. Rather, ensure that you have as much information possible before you do pick a fight. Remember, your health is your most valuable resource and use it judicially.

2 Explore And Experiment

Make use of the unranked, casual modes the game offers.  They are great for learning the game and practicing when you’re new. However, once you are a bit more familiar with the game, try experimenting with new strategies in these modes. These modes are also good for experimenting with weapons and equipment you don’t use a lot.

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Some weapons are very good in particular situations. The casual modes can help you find these situations, and experiment with them. The shotgun, for example, is surprisingly good at more ranges than you’d expect. Similarly, the smoke, at some angles, can completely block off the opponent teams and stop a rush dead in its tracks. Play around in the casual modes, and take what you learn from that to ranked.

1 Econ 101

The strategy of your game cannot be independent of the economy. For people new to the genre, the economy in a match is how you manage your money. Whether you go all out and buy the most expensive equipment every round you can or you save up a few rounds to get that shiny sniper rifle or a machine gun. Managing and adapting your economy across rounds and strategies is very important. Ideally, you want to be saving money for the first few rounds and ensure that you can buy an assault rifle or submachine gun every round, but that’s not always possible. Depending on the team you’re facing, it might be smarter to spend more to get over an early disadvantage or to extend an early lead.

Next: Warface: Breakout Launches Cold Sun Season


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