With patch 3.1.1 this week, Destiny 2 saw many bugfixes and changes. These included a fix for the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. Strike boss, changes to Arbalest’s aim assist, and much more. The database was also updated with the weekly reset, brining many sneak peeks into upcoming Guardian Games loot.
Guardian Games is Destiny 2‘s annual spring event. The game has cycled through different spring events over the years, but Bungie seems to have settled on Guardian Games for the foreseeable future. Last year, the event pitted the game’s three character classes against each other in an Olympics-themed tournament, and the victor got to enjoy a golden class item for the rest of the year.
Needless to say, players are curious to see what the event has to offer this year and dedicated, fans have dug around the database to share what types of gear will soon be available. Longtime fans are always on the lookout for more glowing/holographic armor pieces, and Guardian Games 2021 looks to be delivering on that wish. The Hunter Cloak in particular will surely excite Destiny fashionistas as it contains both transparent and glowing sections. With transmog coming shortly after the event, more players may be inclined to buy this year’s sets.

These armor sets will be available via the Eververse store, each class’ armor sold as a separate bundle for either Bright Dust or Silver. Tess Everis will also offer Ghosts, Ships, Emotes, and more as the event goes on. Moreover, last year’s exclusive exotic reward, Heir Apparent, will return with a catalyst. This unique machine gun has a spin-up time, but provides the player with a large Arc shield, making it perfect for mowing down waves of enemies or challenging a boss to a duel.
The exotic catalyst grants the perk Legion’s Bulwark, which increases the shield’s durability and reloads the magazine partially if it is broken. Heir Apparent has been a decent weapon but it never became a regular in player loadouts. It’s hard to judge if this catalyst will change that, nevertheless, it’s always great to see catalysts added to older weapons.

Season of the Chosen will conclude with the Guardian Games Closing Ceremony, which will last for 2 days as indicated by the roadmap. What this entails is still a secret, but since it occupies a notable section on the content calendar, it might contain story beats, or be another live (Tower) event similar to the finales of Season of Arrivals and Season of the Worthy.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Source: DestinyNews

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